Friday, May 8, 2020

Argumentative Essay Topics

Argumentative Essay TopicsIt is so easy to become lost in an argumentative essay topic and completely lose your focus when writing. I am one of those writers who can not finish an argumentative essay topic without repeating a question or dilemma in my head!I was once discussing this with a professor, he was telling me how he has an issue with his students going off on tangents and he cannot concentrate for long periods. Now, this does not necessarily mean that he is right, I do believe that he has his own viewpoint. This just makes me wonder if he sees all sides of the argument; after all it is not as if the professor only teaches history.However, the point is, the reason I am not able to finish an argumentative essay topics quickly is because I get too involved with the arguments and unable to return to the facts. I then think about the facts and begin to write a rebuttal.This is why I avoid argumentative essay topics, as the facts are much easier to remember and recall then an argu mentative essay topic. However, with any argumentative essay topic the main issue is to make the arguments convincing and compelling.When I am arguing about the past, I make sure that I keep in mind that the history is important and can be used to influence the future. As a future human being I need to know what the past was like and therefore, the discussion should not be limited to facts alone but instead should include opinion and feeling.Unfortunately, many historians tend to forget about the fact that many of the most successful arguments were based on factual information that was presented using words and thus had the ability to affect the emotion of the audience. Therefore, when making an argumentative essay topic, you must consider the fact that the arguments need to be appealing and of interest to the reader.That is why argumentative essay topics are so important because they are able to make the arguments convincing and intriguing to the reader. Without an appeal to emotio n, the argumentative essay topic will not have any weight and therefore the argument will lose its interest, the reader will not want to read further and the author will not be able to make the argument persuasive.As I write this, I realize that the way I write my argumentative essay topics is very different from the way I used to write the final argument. Hopefully I will return to this style and find that it works well again.

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