Sunday, December 29, 2019

Essay about Smoking In Public Places Should be Banned

Do you mind people smoking around you in public places? According to the pro-smoking group Air Initiative 7 in 10 of you do. Do you think it is fair to discriminate against smokers, forcing them to stand outside and smoke? On the other hand is it fair that non-smokers should have to inhale second hand smoke which can dame their health? (Do you support this ban or do you oppose it?) Personally I oppose it as I believe that non-smokers shouldn’t be subjected to a smoky environment on a night out. I am a non-smoker which would undoubtedly be the reason behind me supporting the ban however if I was a smoker I would probably view the ban in a completely different light. If there was a ban it would affect my social life as smoking is being†¦show more content†¦19 may not seem that much but it is 19 cigarettes more than what they choose to smoke. I think that this is unacceptable as non-smokers are forced to inhale harmful smoke while on a night out. So in order to have fun they have to suffer the consequences of the smokers’ addiction. This is one of the main reasons why smokers are turning into social outcasts. They believe that they have the right to smoke wherever they choose while smokers feel that their rights have been violated and their health damaged. In a recent survey 28% of employed people said that they would like their employer to ban smoking completely at work. Bar staff in particular are greatly affected as smoking in bars is seen as normal. However when you apply for a job you aren’t Vivienne Nathanson, B.M.A Head of Science and Ethics said ‘After smoke free laws came into effect in Montana, heart attacks fell by 40%. This statistic is appalling and clearly illustrates the number of heart attacks as a result of smoking. Smoking is one of the UK’s biggest killers causing 120,000 per year, that’s 330 deaths a day. Smoking is costing the NHS around  £1.7 billion per year which could be used to treat and help prevent cancer. Another report stated that services to aid people quit smoking costs on average  £4.1 billion which is too much money to throw away nowadays. If the government pass a law to ban smoking less people would need medical attention and therefore shorter waitingShow MoreRelatedShould Smoking Be Banned Public Places?941 Words   |  4 Pagesindividuals get older they try to cope with the stresses of everyday life by continuing to smoking. It makes them feel more relaxed and at ease. Whatever the reason is, it is a hard habit to break once one starts. For many smokers today it is getting hard to find a place to smoke. Comedians joke about going to another planet just to light up. Smoking should be banned in public places because smoking is just as bad for nonsmokers as it is for smokers. The effects of secondhand smoke orRead MoreShould Smoking Be Banned Public Places?864 Words   |  4 PagesSmoking is one of the practices which is considered highly dangerous to our health because it impacts the smoker and the people around them. There are approximately one billion smokers. Smoking is a big issue that the nonsmoker faces. For example, when the smokers smoke in public places like restaurants, universities and other public places it hurts the non-smoker. The non-smoker breathing the cigarette, marijuana or hookah smoke from the smoker do both of them are breathing toxic chemicals. In aRead MoreShould Smoking Be Banned Public Places?950 Words   |  4 Pagesday I walk in to public place with a friend right away we sat down to eat, we were having a conversation later we smell cigarette smoke in the air. I start coughing from the smell of smoke. I also notice a lot of customers who like eating dinner at a public place smoking cigarette. Smoking is a big health p roblem I feel it is not fair to take away cigarette for people who smoke in American who desire smoke cigarette. Even thought the same as the concession is able to be taking place on this topicRead MoreShould Smoking Be Banned Public Places?885 Words   |  4 Pagesday I walk into public place with a friend right away we sat down to eat, we were having a conversation later we smell cigarette smoke in the air. I start coughing from the smell of smoke. I also notice a lot of customers who like eating dinner at a public place smoking cigarette. Smoking is a big health problem I feel it is not fair to take away cigarette for people who smoke in American who desire smoke cigarette. Even thought the same as the concession is able to be taking place on this topicRead MoreSmoking in Public Places Should Be Banned Essay474 Words   |  2 PagesSmoking in Public Places Should Be Banned I feel very strongly that smoking in public places should be banned. I will list my reasons for my thinking below and explain why I think this. I cannot stand walking down a street behind someone who is smoking. Every time they exhale I then have to walk into a cloud of their smoke. My clothes smell, because they have been saturated with the smoke, it gets into my hair too. It also affects my health. It was found that sevenRead MoreEssay on Smoking In Public Places Should Be Banned463 Words   |  2 PagesSmoking In Public Places Should Be Banned There should be rules enforced for smoking in public places. Smokers just do not know the negative influence they are spreading. A puff of cigarette can harm a smokers health. When I go to a restaurant I do not like to leave smelling like smoke. It is the same going to a garbage dump, and smelling like garbage. I am not a smoker, and I cannot stand having the stench of smoke on my clothes. The smell of smoke is not harmful, but secondhand smoke isRead MoreSmoking Should be Banned in Public Places Essays1464 Words   |  6 PagesDuring the past few decades it has come to light that smoking kills. The federal government mandates that every pack of cigarettes carry a warning on it that smoking can lead to health problems including death. But the messages are rather clinical, for example: â€Å"Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, and May Complicate Pregnancy.† Smoking is a danger to one’s own health but there is now evidence that smoking can affect others as well. Second hand smoke has been shown to cause cancerRead MoreEssay Smoking Should NOT Be Banned in Public Places730 Words   |  3 PagesSmoking Should Not Be Banned in Restaurants      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the perfect situation, smoking policy would be set by bar or restaurant owners, and customers would patronize the establishments with the policy they prefer. Customers would decide-without the governments help-if they want to avoid smoke-filled rooms or enter them. They might even choose to sit in an area sectioned off for smokers or non-smokers, but the ultimate issue is choice (Ruwart 1). When the government starts telling restaurantRead MoreNationwide Smoking Ban: Smoking Should be Banned in All Public Places899 Words   |  4 Pagesthe public about its dangers in 1972 (Schick Glantz, 2005). Do people knowingly have the right to put others’ health at risk? No, they do not. Exposure to cigarette smoke is a public health risk. Therefore, smoking should be banned in all public places, nationwide. There has been no attempt to impose a national smoking ban by the U.S. government. All current bans are in place because of state and local legislation. Americans for Nonsmokers’ Rights lists the various state and local smoking lawsRead MoreEssay about Smoking Should be Banned in All Public Places1133 Words   |  5 PagesSmoking Should be Banned in All Public Places Every year thousands of people die because of having cancer or other tobacco related illnesses due to smoking. Smoking is seen everywhere from our own television screens to even the world wide web; the internet. Tobacco is the substance that is in these cigarettes. These tobacco products are promoted through tobacco ads that are found almost everywhere you turn. They are in magazines, television screens, on the internet

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Main Theme in the Ilyad Anger Essay - 664 Words

The main idea of the Iliad is written in the first line, as Homer asks the Muse to sing of the wrath of Achilles. The main theme in the Ilyad is anger – the vice which is not included into Homers ideal, which leads to impulsive decisions and alienation from the society, but its abscence brings good consequences. Homer is trying to teach his people that anger can lead to rush and impulsive decisions. It is well presented when Paris stole Helen from Agamemnon, which action provoked his wrath and start of the Trojan war. Thousands of Greeks died during that war which was triggered by Agamemnon’s anger. In the Iliad Homer gives a good example of a bad king. Of a king who impulsively started the most murderous ancient war because of†¦show more content†¦As a result of his inner conflict, his alienation from his society, and his inability to solve this conflict, Achilles sends his companion Patroklos into battle. Patroklos even wears the armor of the great warrior, so that the Trojan will think that he is Achilles who returned to battle. Patroklos is killed, and the anger of Achilles is growing. Also, now he bears responsibility for the death of his friend. At this point, Achilles has the even greater wrath that results into death of Hektor and almost takes Achilles beyond the bo unds of humanity. He is on his way of complete alienation from human feelings. So, anger is also the vice, which can lead to alienation from the society. But on the other hand, Homer wants to show that the abscence of anger can lead to good actions and help to make right decisions. It is well presented when after the reconciliation Achilles becomes more then just a warrior hero. His wrath consists of two waves. First, is his withdrawal from the battle because of the conflict with Agamemnon ends when he finally accepts his offer and reaches agreement about Briseis. Second Achilles wave of anger is about the death of Patroklos, which ends when he returns the body of a dead Hector to Priam. In both examples the wrath of Achilles alianated him from others. In the firt case he was alienated from his warriors. And from everybody in the second case. In each case, his reconciliation helps him to get back to the society. If

Friday, December 13, 2019

Nvq Level 2 Free Essays

How to make an individual aware of the effects of poor hygiene on others Personal hygiene is a topic often brought up during the pre-teen and teen years when a youngster’s body is developing. However, there are times when adults need to be reminded about personal care as well. When subtle hints about showering or using deodorant have no effect, a conversation is the next step. We will write a custom essay sample on Nvq Level 2 or any similar topic only for you Order Now This conversation can be uncomfortable for us and the resident but it doesn’t need to be. With some preparation and a few helpful props, we can talk to someone about personal hygiene and help him implement improvements. Step 1 Begin the conversation with a compliment, such as making note that the individual’s hair looked very clean the previous day. Continue the conversation by stating the poor hygiene that we have noticed. Will use words like, â€Å"I have noticed† instead of â€Å"You don’t. † Simply identify the problem area for the individual, whether that is showering, oral hygiene or something else. Step 2 Continue the conversation by discussing the personal care steps the individual seems to be skipping. If this appears to be a shower, will ask the individual when she/he showers regularly or if she/he had time to shower that day. Step 3 Evaluate the individual’s response as to why the hygiene step has been skipped. If it wasn’t skipped, then the next step would be to discuss how to do it correctly. Will provide a demonstration if possible or offer the correct hygiene products to fulfil the task. Step 4 State our concern over the individual’s hygiene. Phrase the concern carefully and use caring words. Step 5 Will offer the individual the personal care item she/he may be lacking, such as deodorant or mouth wash. Step 6 Will end the conversation by affirming the person. This can be done by stating how much we care for him/her, assuring that this hygiene issue doesn’t change our relationship or helping him/her devise a personal care plan. Step 7 Will ask if the individual has any questions. How to cite Nvq Level 2, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Fundamental of Nursing

Question: Discuss how you will develop a teaching plan to meet the learning needs of your patient? Answer: Delegation and evaluation The registered nurse (RN) should determine if her facility policies and state law permit her to hand over the particular task. The RN should also understand if this particulate task lies within the RN practice scope in her state (Potter Perry, 2001). The RN need to be licensed and capable of performing the task they hand over and also that particular task should be authorizes as detegatable by the care facility and UAP can carry out. If the task can be delegated the UAP are not allowed to carry out independently. For example, the hospital may permit the UAP to administer enema but only the registered nurse can decide whether she should administer this medicine at a particular time. To make the enema administration more effective the registered nurse should verify whether the UAP is competent to perform this task (TOMARU, NAKAMURA SAITO, 2011). If the task should not have been delegated to a UAP, the registered nurse should arrange for another certified nurse to perform the task or she should perform the task by her. She should schedule her work in a proper way to avoid task overload or time shortage. A teaching plan If a care consumer has obtained proper knowledge about treatment plan that does not assure compliance. Failure to obey the recommended plan is associated with different factors. A proper teaching plan includes identification of associated factors, defining characteristics and set expected outcomes. In this context, a nurse as a teacher should give proper instruction as recommended (Morris Faulk, 2012). Adapt the instruction in the context of what the client feels is the reason of his/her health complication and his/her concerns regarding therapy. Encourage associated other person to eradicate disincentive and increase rewards for compliance, explain community resources and give social support through the self help groups and family members of the patient. References Morris, A., Faulk, D. (2012).Transformative learning in nursing. New York: Springer. Potter, P., Perry, A. (2001).Fundamentals of nursing. St. Louis: Mosby. Tomaru, Y., Nakamura, Y., Saito, M. (2011). Strategic Managerial Delegation In A Mixed Duopoly With Capacity Choice: Partial Delegation Or Full Delegation*.The Manchester School,79(4), 811-838. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9957.2010.02179.x