Sunday, December 29, 2019

Essay about Smoking In Public Places Should be Banned

Do you mind people smoking around you in public places? According to the pro-smoking group Air Initiative 7 in 10 of you do. Do you think it is fair to discriminate against smokers, forcing them to stand outside and smoke? On the other hand is it fair that non-smokers should have to inhale second hand smoke which can dame their health? (Do you support this ban or do you oppose it?) Personally I oppose it as I believe that non-smokers shouldn’t be subjected to a smoky environment on a night out. I am a non-smoker which would undoubtedly be the reason behind me supporting the ban however if I was a smoker I would probably view the ban in a completely different light. If there was a ban it would affect my social life as smoking is being†¦show more content†¦19 may not seem that much but it is 19 cigarettes more than what they choose to smoke. I think that this is unacceptable as non-smokers are forced to inhale harmful smoke while on a night out. So in order to have fun they have to suffer the consequences of the smokers’ addiction. This is one of the main reasons why smokers are turning into social outcasts. They believe that they have the right to smoke wherever they choose while smokers feel that their rights have been violated and their health damaged. In a recent survey 28% of employed people said that they would like their employer to ban smoking completely at work. Bar staff in particular are greatly affected as smoking in bars is seen as normal. However when you apply for a job you aren’t Vivienne Nathanson, B.M.A Head of Science and Ethics said ‘After smoke free laws came into effect in Montana, heart attacks fell by 40%. This statistic is appalling and clearly illustrates the number of heart attacks as a result of smoking. Smoking is one of the UK’s biggest killers causing 120,000 per year, that’s 330 deaths a day. Smoking is costing the NHS around  £1.7 billion per year which could be used to treat and help prevent cancer. Another report stated that services to aid people quit smoking costs on average  £4.1 billion which is too much money to throw away nowadays. If the government pass a law to ban smoking less people would need medical attention and therefore shorter waitingShow MoreRelatedShould Smoking Be Banned Public Places?941 Words   |  4 Pagesindividuals get older they try to cope with the stresses of everyday life by continuing to smoking. It makes them feel more relaxed and at ease. Whatever the reason is, it is a hard habit to break once one starts. For many smokers today it is getting hard to find a place to smoke. Comedians joke about going to another planet just to light up. Smoking should be banned in public places because smoking is just as bad for nonsmokers as it is for smokers. The effects of secondhand smoke orRead MoreShould Smoking Be Banned Public Places?864 Words   |  4 PagesSmoking is one of the practices which is considered highly dangerous to our health because it impacts the smoker and the people around them. There are approximately one billion smokers. Smoking is a big issue that the nonsmoker faces. For example, when the smokers smoke in public places like restaurants, universities and other public places it hurts the non-smoker. The non-smoker breathing the cigarette, marijuana or hookah smoke from the smoker do both of them are breathing toxic chemicals. In aRead MoreShould Smoking Be Banned Public Places?950 Words   |  4 Pagesday I walk in to public place with a friend right away we sat down to eat, we were having a conversation later we smell cigarette smoke in the air. I start coughing from the smell of smoke. I also notice a lot of customers who like eating dinner at a public place smoking cigarette. Smoking is a big health p roblem I feel it is not fair to take away cigarette for people who smoke in American who desire smoke cigarette. Even thought the same as the concession is able to be taking place on this topicRead MoreShould Smoking Be Banned Public Places?885 Words   |  4 Pagesday I walk into public place with a friend right away we sat down to eat, we were having a conversation later we smell cigarette smoke in the air. I start coughing from the smell of smoke. I also notice a lot of customers who like eating dinner at a public place smoking cigarette. Smoking is a big health problem I feel it is not fair to take away cigarette for people who smoke in American who desire smoke cigarette. Even thought the same as the concession is able to be taking place on this topicRead MoreSmoking in Public Places Should Be Banned Essay474 Words   |  2 PagesSmoking in Public Places Should Be Banned I feel very strongly that smoking in public places should be banned. I will list my reasons for my thinking below and explain why I think this. I cannot stand walking down a street behind someone who is smoking. Every time they exhale I then have to walk into a cloud of their smoke. My clothes smell, because they have been saturated with the smoke, it gets into my hair too. It also affects my health. It was found that sevenRead MoreEssay on Smoking In Public Places Should Be Banned463 Words   |  2 PagesSmoking In Public Places Should Be Banned There should be rules enforced for smoking in public places. Smokers just do not know the negative influence they are spreading. A puff of cigarette can harm a smokers health. When I go to a restaurant I do not like to leave smelling like smoke. It is the same going to a garbage dump, and smelling like garbage. I am not a smoker, and I cannot stand having the stench of smoke on my clothes. The smell of smoke is not harmful, but secondhand smoke isRead MoreSmoking Should be Banned in Public Places Essays1464 Words   |  6 PagesDuring the past few decades it has come to light that smoking kills. The federal government mandates that every pack of cigarettes carry a warning on it that smoking can lead to health problems including death. But the messages are rather clinical, for example: â€Å"Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, and May Complicate Pregnancy.† Smoking is a danger to one’s own health but there is now evidence that smoking can affect others as well. Second hand smoke has been shown to cause cancerRead MoreEssay Smoking Should NOT Be Banned in Public Places730 Words   |  3 PagesSmoking Should Not Be Banned in Restaurants      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the perfect situation, smoking policy would be set by bar or restaurant owners, and customers would patronize the establishments with the policy they prefer. Customers would decide-without the governments help-if they want to avoid smoke-filled rooms or enter them. They might even choose to sit in an area sectioned off for smokers or non-smokers, but the ultimate issue is choice (Ruwart 1). When the government starts telling restaurantRead MoreNationwide Smoking Ban: Smoking Should be Banned in All Public Places899 Words   |  4 Pagesthe public about its dangers in 1972 (Schick Glantz, 2005). Do people knowingly have the right to put others’ health at risk? No, they do not. Exposure to cigarette smoke is a public health risk. Therefore, smoking should be banned in all public places, nationwide. There has been no attempt to impose a national smoking ban by the U.S. government. All current bans are in place because of state and local legislation. Americans for Nonsmokers’ Rights lists the various state and local smoking lawsRead MoreEssay about Smoking Should be Banned in All Public Places1133 Words   |  5 PagesSmoking Should be Banned in All Public Places Every year thousands of people die because of having cancer or other tobacco related illnesses due to smoking. Smoking is seen everywhere from our own television screens to even the world wide web; the internet. Tobacco is the substance that is in these cigarettes. These tobacco products are promoted through tobacco ads that are found almost everywhere you turn. They are in magazines, television screens, on the internet

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Main Theme in the Ilyad Anger Essay - 664 Words

The main idea of the Iliad is written in the first line, as Homer asks the Muse to sing of the wrath of Achilles. The main theme in the Ilyad is anger – the vice which is not included into Homers ideal, which leads to impulsive decisions and alienation from the society, but its abscence brings good consequences. Homer is trying to teach his people that anger can lead to rush and impulsive decisions. It is well presented when Paris stole Helen from Agamemnon, which action provoked his wrath and start of the Trojan war. Thousands of Greeks died during that war which was triggered by Agamemnon’s anger. In the Iliad Homer gives a good example of a bad king. Of a king who impulsively started the most murderous ancient war because of†¦show more content†¦As a result of his inner conflict, his alienation from his society, and his inability to solve this conflict, Achilles sends his companion Patroklos into battle. Patroklos even wears the armor of the great warrior, so that the Trojan will think that he is Achilles who returned to battle. Patroklos is killed, and the anger of Achilles is growing. Also, now he bears responsibility for the death of his friend. At this point, Achilles has the even greater wrath that results into death of Hektor and almost takes Achilles beyond the bo unds of humanity. He is on his way of complete alienation from human feelings. So, anger is also the vice, which can lead to alienation from the society. But on the other hand, Homer wants to show that the abscence of anger can lead to good actions and help to make right decisions. It is well presented when after the reconciliation Achilles becomes more then just a warrior hero. His wrath consists of two waves. First, is his withdrawal from the battle because of the conflict with Agamemnon ends when he finally accepts his offer and reaches agreement about Briseis. Second Achilles wave of anger is about the death of Patroklos, which ends when he returns the body of a dead Hector to Priam. In both examples the wrath of Achilles alianated him from others. In the firt case he was alienated from his warriors. And from everybody in the second case. In each case, his reconciliation helps him to get back to the society. If

Friday, December 13, 2019

Nvq Level 2 Free Essays

How to make an individual aware of the effects of poor hygiene on others Personal hygiene is a topic often brought up during the pre-teen and teen years when a youngster’s body is developing. However, there are times when adults need to be reminded about personal care as well. When subtle hints about showering or using deodorant have no effect, a conversation is the next step. We will write a custom essay sample on Nvq Level 2 or any similar topic only for you Order Now This conversation can be uncomfortable for us and the resident but it doesn’t need to be. With some preparation and a few helpful props, we can talk to someone about personal hygiene and help him implement improvements. Step 1 Begin the conversation with a compliment, such as making note that the individual’s hair looked very clean the previous day. Continue the conversation by stating the poor hygiene that we have noticed. Will use words like, â€Å"I have noticed† instead of â€Å"You don’t. † Simply identify the problem area for the individual, whether that is showering, oral hygiene or something else. Step 2 Continue the conversation by discussing the personal care steps the individual seems to be skipping. If this appears to be a shower, will ask the individual when she/he showers regularly or if she/he had time to shower that day. Step 3 Evaluate the individual’s response as to why the hygiene step has been skipped. If it wasn’t skipped, then the next step would be to discuss how to do it correctly. Will provide a demonstration if possible or offer the correct hygiene products to fulfil the task. Step 4 State our concern over the individual’s hygiene. Phrase the concern carefully and use caring words. Step 5 Will offer the individual the personal care item she/he may be lacking, such as deodorant or mouth wash. Step 6 Will end the conversation by affirming the person. This can be done by stating how much we care for him/her, assuring that this hygiene issue doesn’t change our relationship or helping him/her devise a personal care plan. Step 7 Will ask if the individual has any questions. How to cite Nvq Level 2, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Fundamental of Nursing

Question: Discuss how you will develop a teaching plan to meet the learning needs of your patient? Answer: Delegation and evaluation The registered nurse (RN) should determine if her facility policies and state law permit her to hand over the particular task. The RN should also understand if this particulate task lies within the RN practice scope in her state (Potter Perry, 2001). The RN need to be licensed and capable of performing the task they hand over and also that particular task should be authorizes as detegatable by the care facility and UAP can carry out. If the task can be delegated the UAP are not allowed to carry out independently. For example, the hospital may permit the UAP to administer enema but only the registered nurse can decide whether she should administer this medicine at a particular time. To make the enema administration more effective the registered nurse should verify whether the UAP is competent to perform this task (TOMARU, NAKAMURA SAITO, 2011). If the task should not have been delegated to a UAP, the registered nurse should arrange for another certified nurse to perform the task or she should perform the task by her. She should schedule her work in a proper way to avoid task overload or time shortage. A teaching plan If a care consumer has obtained proper knowledge about treatment plan that does not assure compliance. Failure to obey the recommended plan is associated with different factors. A proper teaching plan includes identification of associated factors, defining characteristics and set expected outcomes. In this context, a nurse as a teacher should give proper instruction as recommended (Morris Faulk, 2012). Adapt the instruction in the context of what the client feels is the reason of his/her health complication and his/her concerns regarding therapy. Encourage associated other person to eradicate disincentive and increase rewards for compliance, explain community resources and give social support through the self help groups and family members of the patient. References Morris, A., Faulk, D. (2012).Transformative learning in nursing. New York: Springer. Potter, P., Perry, A. (2001).Fundamentals of nursing. St. Louis: Mosby. Tomaru, Y., Nakamura, Y., Saito, M. (2011). Strategic Managerial Delegation In A Mixed Duopoly With Capacity Choice: Partial Delegation Or Full Delegation*.The Manchester School,79(4), 811-838. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9957.2010.02179.x

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Dantes Inferno Essays (298 words) - Divine Comedy,

Dante's Inferno According to his guide, Virgil (in the Aeneid)Ulysses and the Greek army stormed Troy and destroyed everything. A few survivors, led by Aeneus, sailed away and finally landed in Italy (that was their fate). And with that fate they took over Italy, founded the Roman Empire which in turn becames into the states of Italy. Dante and Virgil were upset at the attack on Troy and considered the warfare brutal, so placing Ulysses in Hell in an eternal fire is a fitting punishment for his Trojan Horse design which collapsed their ancestors home of Troy. It is an ethnocentric way to demean the Greeks Ulysses discusses his son, father, and wife, and that the longing he had to gain the experience of the world and of the vices and the worth of men. So he left those he loved and deserted them to sail away with those he knew would never desert him. After gaining this experience of the world (he lists off spain, morocco, both shores, sardinia, and the other islands the sea bathes, thus he visited everything worldly. He came to the end of the world, was old and slow, at Hercules boundary stones. Everyone heeds these stones and never goes past. He had travelled everywhere, and this was the only conquest left. He wanted to best evryone. With a slick speech, a fiery speech he makes to his comrades, he convinces them all not to desert him, but to imagine they are better than other men (118) and that they dont deserve to live their lives as brutes (119) but to be followers of worth and knowledge. His speech was so compelling, that when he was finished, they would have gone even if he had not. English Essays

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Human Dignity and the Dignity of Life Essay Example

Human Dignity and the Dignity of Life Essay Example Human Dignity and the Dignity of Life Essay Human Dignity and the Dignity of Life Essay Name: Course: Tutor: Date: Human Dignity and the Dignity of Life The terms human dignity and dignity of life are often used interchangeably. It is significant to understand that these two terms were of the approach different aspects and ideologies of life although there is sometimes a thin line between them. In the history of the human being, these two terms may have meant different things to two different groups. If, for example, these two groups were to be labeled the elite and the oppressed groups, the similarities and the differences will be discussed in relation to human dignity and the dignity of life depending on the historical period. To comprehend and to appreciate the interconnectedness of life, to live and to let live, to value the small things, to die with dignity, amongst others, are the phrases that related to the term the dignity of life. Respect, self worth, equal treatment, necessities of life, integrity, amongst others, come with the term the human dignity (Bonefeld Kosmas 35). Although these seem quite straight forward and clear, they mean different things to the groups mentioned above. Some aspects of these two terms are similar to both the elite and the oppressed groups. The freedom to search for the life necessities such as shelter, water, food, social support, just to mention but a few has been evident since man came into being. Man has been known to hunt and cultivate as a way providing food for himself. In the early times, when people used to own slaves, the slaves used to work, and in exchange have food, clothing and shelter provided to them by their masters. The slaves also used to have families, and that is how they multiplied. During the colonial period, the colonialists allowed the colonies to live in groups, go on with their own activities of fending for themselves and keep the normal social life the elite/the colonialists had (Malpas Norelle 57). Although their social and economic life may not have resembled that of the elite, they still had a life. The oppressed and the elite groups have been sharing the human dignity concept of believing anything one wants. Since time immemorial, the people have been able to believe what they wanted especially when it came to religious beliefs. In the Roman Empire, slaves still believed in the religion of their ancestral land (Kim 76). Although the missionaries and the colonialists played a significant role in the influence of Christianity in the African community, many Africans still continued with their African practices even after the reign of the colonialists. Today, it is evident that the question of what one believes does not depend on ones social status. People are either influenced by where they have come from (background), where they are or their own understanding. This can be explained by how homosexuals view themselves as oppressed since they are not allowed to fully express themselves in public. In such a case, the elite are the heterosexuals while the oppressed are the bisexuals, homosexuals and the transsexuals Unfortunately, the significance of such a concept as to live and to let live started being of significance in the late 20th century. The elite considered themselves as the people to decide how long the oppressed would live and how they would die. A master would kill a slave as he wished with not as much as a question from the authorities. A black man would easily end up dead while in the hands of the police without any further investigations of how that came to be (Ugwuanyi 528). A woman would be beaten and finally get killed by the husband without much concern from the family let alone the authorities. Although such actions call for the law’s intervention today, some concerns are still raised on the competence of the investigations being done and the actions taken. Respect, which is perceived as a form of human dignity, is meant to be respect from others. Unfortunately, when it comes to the elite and the oppressed groups, the elite expect respect from the oppressed, but the oppressed do not expect the same from the elite. In the past, the oppressed, who were mostly the slaves and peasants, did not respect themselves. They felt that their obligation was to serve their masters and the rich in the society (Malpas Norelle 60). The peasants were referred as third or fourth-class citizens depending on the society. There was the royal family, the extremely rich, the middles class and the peasants. During periods of slavery, the 19th and the early twentieth century, the whites and the Blacks represented the early elite and the oppressed groups respectively. During that period, the whites were the only people to be respected, to die with dignity, to be shown compassion, to be treated equally and to acknowledge the ambiguity of the world, amongst other concepts. They acknowledged that they had more human and life dignity as compared to the blacks and so they treated them like so. Although this has slowly been erased from the physical world and the concepts of human dignity and the dignity of life been appreciated by all parties, there are that mental part that still shows discrimination. White dominated countries do not have as many black leaders as the population dictates. Waiters and servers in the African countries will still prefer serving a Caucasian customer faster than a dark-skinned customer will. Many women do not hold leadership positions as their male counterparts. For example, there are only 12 female prime ministers,11 female presidents and 3 queens in the world. This is out of the many countries, and kingdoms we have in the world. It is approximated that 51 to 60 females have either acted as heads of states or been the heads of state after the Second World War. Although human dignity and the dignity of life may not necessarily be entirely responsible for such statistics, the aspects of inequality, empowerment of the marginalized groups and other issues affect the outcome of such statistics. When it comes to the value of small things as far as dignity of life is concerned, this might mean different things to the elite and the oppressed groups. Due to circumstances, the oppressed people value small things more than the elite do. During the slavery time, something as small as a meal in a day, no matter how small, was extremely appreciated (Ugwuanyi 529). Slaves were sold, and so it was hard to come by slaves either of the same family serving one master or in the same region. This made them value and appreciate one another very much as each was on his or her own. In the African American community during the 18th, the 19th and the early 20th century, family members were the most important, than the friends and neighbors, then the rest of the community. It is the reason why it was common to see a family inclusive of the extended family. This extends to date. The oppressed such as the poor and the disabled tend to appreciate the small things more than the elite. A beggar on the street appreciates a smile and a quarter more from a stranger more than a chief executive in a company’s office. The rich, even in the past, were not only concerned about one meal, but they were also concerned about the three meals, cooked and served well with wine and fruits as accompaniments. They were also concerned with banquets, balls and other celebrations. Even today, the elite or the rich are first concerned about how the community and the whole society think about them, before they are concerned about how their families perceive them. Issues exist concerning the human dignity and the dignity of life that can be learnt from our global neighbors and our near ancestors. Our ancestors believed in integrity and the emphasis of it. This is explained by the American Constitution, which was written in the 18th Century, is still followed even today with as few as less than thirty amendments (Bonefeld Kosmas 67). The founding fathers of the nation believed in integrity, and they acted in ways that portrayed integrity. A more specific example is where most families have something that has been passed on from one generation down to the next generation. It may be a piece of land, an expensive jewelry or a souvenir that was entrusted to the family members by the ancestors. In the quest for knowledge, the ancestors in the African countries and other countries globally embraced education thus leading to the spread of the literacy all over the world. The ancestors in the colonized states believed that they were dying a dignified death when they died fighting for their countries. This is how countries came to achieve their independence. Whether it is in Asia, Africa, America, Europe or any other continent, people believed and still do in the right to celebrate through dance and music. There is not one single group in the world which did not engage in dance and music especially during celebrations as a way of expressing their joy. Cultures, communities, administrations, occupations, sharing of knowledge, patriotism, search of prosperity, amongst other concepts were founded by our ancestors. They pursued and passed on from one generation to another, as a way of showing each generation their significance. Neighboring countries in the globe also have a way of showing the values in human dignity and the dignity of life. In Asian countries such as North Korea, China and Japan, a small bow before greeting one another or failing to look once superior directly in the eye is a form of ones respect for another (Kim 75). Countries such as China, Singapore and India are known to value families immensely thus they live in large families. The Maasai of Kenya and other cultures in Africa and Asia still practice their traditional beliefs and wear traditional clothes in appreciation of their culture. The ancestors and the global neighbors have taught us and continue teaching us the dignity of life and human dignity. The traditional songs sang during the socials gatherings, the recognition of authority where one acknowledges their superior, doing things with integrity; these are ways the ancestors and our neighbors show the significance of human dignity and the dignity of life. It is agreed that the morality ethical issues are of more concern today than they were a few years back. Children are more rude and disrespectful to their parents today that they were some time in the early twentieth century. Every individual has a right to experience human dignity or dignity of life whether by offering or by receiving. Our ancestors, global neighbors and time have taught us the significance of these two terms. They are what keep people together and protects the human race from itself. If the human race decides to go against the concepts that come along with these two terms, they will drive themselves into extinction. Bonefeld, Werner Kosmas Psychopedis. Human dignity: social autonomy and the critique of capitalism. Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishing Ltd, 2005. Print. Kim, Hyung-Kon. The Idea of Human Dignity in Korea: An Ethico-Religious Approach and Application. Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press, 2007. Print. Malpas, Jeff, and Norelle Lickiss. Perspectives on Human Dignity: A Conversation. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer, 2007. Print. Ugwuanyi, Chikere. â€Å"Book Reviews: Towards a Fuller Human Identity: a Phenomenology of Family Life, Social Harmony, and the Recovery of the Black Self. by Pius Ojara.† The Heythrop Journal. 49.3 (2008): 527-532. Print.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Business Skills & Employability Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Business Skills & Employability - Case Study Example Further, J Sainsbury also faces the threat of interest groups that seek to ensure profound production and distribution comprehends consumer welfare appropriately. Researches implement that the corporation operates at least 1,106 supermarkets in the UK, and other leading economies. The tally also includes a broad chain of convenience stores that the company runs at a global perspective (Cunningham & Harney, 2012, p. 47). Its analysts argue out that the customers are of salient value to the longevity and growth in performances thus all its investment initiatives focus on that fact. J Sainsbury Company elevates its chain stores to ensure that its products aim at the right consumer groups in order to achieve a profitable market share, and growth on a global perspective. The UK based supermarket operates on a global platform with standardized practices while targeting a broad customer network with divergent needs and wants. Secondly, the company’s 480 retail outlets based in the UK have been of significant importance to the entire organization in maintaining its second position and challenging TESCO, the country’s market leader (Hensmans, Johnson, & Yip, 2013, p. 88). Despite its global targeting approaches, the grocery chain has continuously accrued beneficial outcomes, and profitable performances in all its segments, a factor that is evident in the over 20 countries of operations at the global platform. The chain store’s forecasts ensure that it has gradually diversified competitively and profitably over its local and foreign competitors. Informative survey shows that the company’s market operations face contests since the global grocery industry comprises of both local and international competitors and it is evident that some of them exceedingly operate in broader segments (Cunningham & Harney, 2012, p. 67). The following discussion seeks to establish J Sainsbury’s business practices and its SWOT analyses, with the recommended a pproaches to restructure its strategic plan (Wied & Ebers, 2007, p. 133). Sainsbury’s business environment The corporation founded in early 1869 by UK nationals, John and Mary Sainsbury and it grew proficiently throughout the 19th, 20th, and is currently turning into a global icon after pausing at the second largest chain in the UK, and further as the most profitable grocery company. The adventurous global market production and sales approach emanates from the company's sustainability strategy, which entails the salient measures observable before the purchase of groceries and other consumer products. Statistics reveal that Sainsbury strategic planning contributed to its profitable outcomes whereby the management reported pretax revenue of over ?400 million. Sainsbury’s economic precision extends towards growth in the market since its product portfolio includes the requirement of enticing and outsourcing on producers in order to reduce the expenses articulated to produc ing and packaging some of the company’s consumer goods (Zentes, Morschett, & Schramm-Klein, 2011, p. 244). The company’s coherent integration of the varied political systems enables it to win economic gains throughout the target markets. The use of technology and innovation stimulates competition, and Sainsbury displays the ability to prosper competitively in the global market. J Sainsbury’s SWOT analyses Strengths The company’s credentials and its success in the grocery industry emanate from the long-range objectives and

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Module 2 SLP Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Module 2 SLP - Coursework Example MWPVL is an awesome website that contains financial data for industries across Europe and America. It offers insights of the forces of demand and supply in various industries in these regions by reviewing how each of these entities influences supply of commodities to the market and price determination strategies employed respectively. The food industry is among the few industries that are reviewed in the website thus the significance of this particular reference. This source is vital for this analysis as it contains consumer related information ranging from consumer behavior to buying patterns in the food industry and specifically with Kraft foods as the case firm. It formulates data of the current patterns in consumer demand and preferences and how buyers influence the prices. It is basically a financial analysis of Kraft food that refines all information within the business environment of this firm. In the internal report, the section of substitute products in the market is covered thus proving information that will be handy to assist us in our review. That notwithstanding, it has a pool of information about competition that the firm is facing from rival business organizations that are offering substitute products. However, it fails to provide a conclusive analysis of the level of threat that substitute products pose to Kraft foods. YouGov SixthSense is an insider report that refines the market position of Kraft foods in the industry. It provides information on market segmentation among the major players together with the strength of each firm in controlling major decisions that affect the entire food industry. The issue of competition in the food market in America has been analyzed in detail thus making it a worthy source. Carnegie Research Inc. (2009). Kraft Foods Inc.: A Guide for Selling and Increasing Sales at Kraft Foods Inc. Legal and Regulatory Issues. Retrieved from

Monday, November 18, 2019

Nursing research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 62

Nursing research - Essay Example The quantitative designs should identify the potential influences that may affect the dependent variable in relation to the independent variable. The confounders should be controlled to ensure that the analytical inferences apply. The independent variable is the one believed to have an impact on the phenomenon being investigated. All quantitative designs should satisfy the independent variable. The dependent variable is the one that researchers anticipate to make observations. The dependent variable should be specified in the quantitative design because the research idea is to construct a project that brings out the relationship between the two variables. Internal validity focuses on the extent to which the effects reflected in the study represents the reality rather than resulting from the extraneous variables. The threats to internal validity include history, maturation and testing. History represents an event that occurs during the study and can impact on the responses of the part icipants. Maturation indicates that participants become older, wiser, more hungry and depressed. The effect being investigated may also change depending on the number of times the tests are conducted. The design of the outcome research first requires the researcher to identify the perspective on which the conclusion will be arrived. Evaluation alternatives should also be established and ranked depending on their probabilities of occurrence. The probabilities can emanate from expert panels, clinical trial data and literature review (Rezaie and Schwebel 539). A sensitivity analysis is carried once the data is collected and analyzed. These components can be applied in the formulation of the health plans and measuring the cure rates for certain diseases. Outcome research is also effective in identifying the patient functional status and the obligations of daily living and outpatient

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Importance Of Relationships

The Importance Of Relationships To better understand the argument of friendships and their potential cause of instability in the hierarchical structure of Confucian thought put forth by Norman Kutcher (2000), I examined three sources discussed in this paper. In his article The Confucian Concept of Man: The Original Formulation, Scott Morton (1971) presents the general idea of Confucian thought and explains the ideas and concept of man. To go into further detail, Donald Blakeleys (2008) Hearts in Agreement: Zhuangzi on Dao Adept Friendship explores friendship in both philosophies and defines friendship according to the Analects giving readers a better understanding of friendship and its role in society. Finally, Arthur W. Hummels (1960) article titled The Art of Social Relations in China emphasizes the importance of relationships in China and society, the role of relationships in ones maturity, emphasizing the importance of friendship on ones road to success once he leaves the family nest. These articles provide add itional insight and understanding the function of friendships in a mans maturity and growth process, emphasizing the need and necessity and importance of friendship, overall providing a bigger and clearer picture of friendship and its potential effects. The Importance of Relationships: Its roles and Responsibilities Upon reading Norman Kutchers (2000) article on friendships titled, The Fifth Relationship: Dangerous Friendships in the Confucian Context, I was left with several questions. In Kutchers (2000) article, friendship was defined and separated from the other relationships because of its uniqueness of its members and nature. He argues that friendship is an unstable relationship that could potentially upset the hierarchy in state and family relations (the other four relationships). However, his argument left me with several questions about the topic. I wanted to be better understand the role of the individual and the concept of man in Confucian thought to see how this related to relationships and human conduct in these relationships. I also wanted to comprehend and firmly grasp the ideas of relationships and friendships, in particular, its definition in Confucian terms. In addition, I also wanted to comprehend, in depth the importance of relationships in the growth and maturity of a man, wh ether friendship was something that was actually needed and required or just something voluntary as Kutcher (2000) argued in his essay. These concerns led me to research on the history of Confucian thought, the concepts and its beliefs on relationships, and the importance and role friendships played on growth and maturity. Through my research, I came across the following three academic sources. The first article is titled The Confucian Concept of Man: the original formulation about the formulation of man and the concept of man in Confucian thought by Scott Morton (1971). Morton begins by introducing the beginning of Chinese philosophy and their interest in the creation of an ethical framework for human conduct. In Chinese philosophy, especially Confucianism, it is difficult to differentiate between philosophy and ethics. The first question that Morton (1971) wants to answer is how Confucius views man. The first concept is that Man is always considered as Man living inside of society. People are individuals, but all individuals live in societies and relationships; these societies, communities, whatever you want to call them exist in a network of duties, obligations, and rights (Morton, 1971). Secondly, there is also a stated hierarchy in Confucian thought as men in society are divided into two groups, the rulers and the ruled. And finally, probably Confucius most notable contribution to Confucian thought, is the idea of Chun Tzu or nobleman. The noble man is born noble and this is shown through his actions. Morton (1971) continues to define moral character and the nobleman. Using translations mainly from Legge and Waley, Morton (1971) suggests six groups of characteristics and moral qualities that are important to the nobleman. The first is his resolution and firmness. The nobleman must be firm and decided. He is proud but not quarrelsome. He does not quit or give up on the right or the good way. The second group of moral characteristics consists of mildness, modesty, and humility. In third place is a well-balanced character. This refers to not only a perfection of delicately balancing all previously mentioned moral characteristics but also refers to his human life and relationship as a whole, reciprocity. What one man does not want done to him, he must not do to others. He knows what to do and when to do it, his style and mannerisms are very important in this balance of moral characteristics. The fourth is faithfulness; the gentleman must be one in whom others can trust. The fifth char acteristic of the gentleman is his ability to admit to fault and imperfections. If he knows his mistake, he can correct it and perfect himself; if a man lacks this characteristic, he will become the inferior man. Finally, the sixth and last moral characteristic is independence. What the Analects mean by this is not his ability to be independent, but his ability to be separate and have general moral qualifications, not a specialist or a tool trained for a specific purpose. The nobleman is one who is fit and able to do anything. According to Morton (1971), the man who is in the relationship must not only follow the rules and obligations of being in a specific relationship, but he must also be a nobleman in all cases. He must have the ability to determine and differentiate between the right and the wrong, and with resolution follow his path down the Good way. Every man has an important role to play, and depending on his situation, he should know the style with which he should perform in each. Though this article does not directly discuss relationships and Confucian thought on friendship, Morton (1971) helps to shed light on the philosophies of Confucian thought, in particular Mortons (1971) analysis on human conduct and the nobleman according to the Analects, and provides significant background information to help better understand the ideas put forth by Kutcher (2000). Mortons (1971) particular analysis and detail about the nobleman adds to Kutchers (2000) argument about friendship because it details the priorities about a man and the way he should act towards his rulers, his family, and his friends. This helps me to analyze the argument because I can better analyze and critique Kutchers (2000) argument. The second article is titled Hearts in Agreemtn: Zhuangzi on Dao Adept Friendship by Donald N. Blakeley (2008). This article by Donald Blakeley (2008) begins with an introduction to friendship in the Daodejing and then continues to compare this thought to the friendship defined in the Analects in Confucian thought. An understanding of friendships and how they are viewed in detail will help us better understand Kutchers (2000) suggestion of friendship and how it connects and plays a role in hierarchy in Confucian China. Blakeley defines friendship (which is taken from the Daodejing) as a relationship where one accepts and recognizes the other and his qualifications; people who are friends often share skills and expertise, and often times similar thoughts and values. Throughout the article, Blakeley (2008) defines friendship and analyzes it from a Daoist perspective. It is not until later in the article that Blakeley observes friendship in the terms of Confucianism and Ren. According to Blakeley (2008), priority resides in cultivating the fullness of a virtuous life as defined by proper understanding of the cultural values of the past (Blakeley 2008, p. 330). A ren person is cultivated and guided by ceremony and rituals, li. This li is then grounded in dao, or the way, of relationships and society which all operate under Heaven. In terms of friendships, the Analects and the Mencius advise that friendships have the following traits. The first is that the relationships must be based on a particular value and similar perspectives. Befriend only the right persons and Cultivate friendship with the good. The second is that friendship requires trust and sincerity, faithfulness and honesty. Good friends are ones that are devoted to virtuous living, exemp lary persons or sages. The third characteristic is that friendships must work and embrace the wider contexts of human existence (such as family, political, government, ruler-ruled settings). This relationship must work within the grand matrix of the world. The fourth is that friendships are voluntary. The fifth is that friendships are equal (otherwise, it would belong with another of the five relationships). The sixth characteristic of friendships is that they are based on mutual respect and reciprocity, which also falls within the action and behavior of the nobleman in the aforementioned article by Morton (1971). Finally, friendship is conditional. This is a relationship meant to enhance all other human relations and roles. If a friendship mistakenly affects your ability to perform your duties and obligations in another relationship, this would not be a good friendship and should be ended. Blakeley (2008) explores friendships in Chinese philosophy beginning with the Zhuangzi and then comparing that to the Analects. Through this analysis, we are able to better understand the context of friendship and how it is defined in the books and the philosophies of Confucius and other Chinese thought. By gaining an improved grasp on friendships in this context, will be able to have a more encompassing evaluation of Kutchers (2000) argument. The finally article that will be taken into consideration upon evaluation of Kutchers (2000) article is Artuher W. Hummels (1960) titled The Art of Social Relations in China. The Chinese believed that life was about relationships, and how one managed those relationships would determine his success in society. There were a total of five relationships: the relationship of the ruler and the ruled, the father and son, the elder and younger brothers, husband and wife, and friend and friend. In every relationship, there are obligations and duties, there are also right and privileges granted by one or the other in that relationship. Hummel (1960) then begins to discuss and introduce Mencius and Confucius philosophy on man and their natural goodness. Through this goodness is virtue, and the gentleman is one who is able to share and give virtue and goodness to all. Hummel (1960) then also discusses the Confucian gentleman. The Confucian gentleman is one who has manners and is style and proper ; he knows the situation and understands the accurate manners and performance in each. Human conduct, thus, became a large part of Confucian thought and consequently, Chinese thought. In his article Hummel (1960) states that is a mistake to think of Confucian ethics as a code, rule, or law. Instead, they are mere suggestions and persuasions, techniques used and highly prized in the Confucian world. Suggestion is the power to share and allow others to discover ideas almost by themselves. The gentleman and the loved man is one who is humble and large-minded. It is the ability to overlook small failings and care about the more important things and more significant things; it is the ability to differentiate between the small and the large things in life. In this article, we are given a bigger and greater practical view on how relationships are managed and should be managed according to Confucian thought. Friendships, specifically, should be looked at to help develop and cultivate virtue. According to Hummel (1960), one must be able to relate to those with virtue, and be able to maintain friendships throughout ones life. It is important to surround yourself with those who are better able to help you in the case of something happening. The Chinese place great importance on friendships because it is through friendships that one is better able to advance. The man who grows up and becomes a self-made man will be a lonely man; in the event of some unfortunate events, he will still be alone, with no one to help him along the way. Understanding friendships through Hummels (1960) analysis helps better evaluate Kutchers (2000) assumptions about friendship and the importance and need of friendship in a persons maturity, according to Confucian thought. This idea complements Blakeleys (2008) analysis of friendship based on Confucian texts such as the Analects. Blakeleys more detailed analysis on friendship thus helps us better understand friendship and its roles in society and to the individual in their maturity and growth. Finally, both of these contribute to a better understanding of Confucian thought presented by Morton (1971). Mortons (1971) presentation on Confucian thought and values, along with Blakeleys detailed analysis of friendship based on Confucian texts, together with the concept that relationships are the most important aspect according to Confucian thought allows us to grasp and better evaluate Kutchers (2000) argument on friendship and its role and effects in society and its members.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

B.f. Skinner Essay examples -- essays research papers

B.F. Skinner Psychologist, born in Susquhanna, Pa. He studied at Harvard, teaching there (1931-6, 1947-74). A leading behaviorist, he is a proponent of operant conditioning, and the inventor of the Skinner box for facilitating experimental observations. B. F. Skinner’s entire system is based on operant conditioning. The organism is in the process of â€Å"operating† on the environment, which in ordinary terms means it is bouncing around the world, doing what it does. During this â€Å"operating,† the organism encounters a special kind of stimulus, called a reinforcing stimulus, or simply a reinforcer. This special stimulus has the effect of increasing the operant - which is the behavior occurring just before the reinforcer. This is operant conditioning: â€Å"the behavior is followed by a consequence, and the nature of the consequence modifies the organisms tendency to repeat the behavior in the future.† Say you have a dog and he’s just playing around with his toys and such and then when you throw a toy at him and he catches it then you give him a treat. Then all of the sudden the dog is starting to catch toys and such as you throw it in the air or at his mouth. The operant is the behavior just prior to the reinforcer, which is the treat. Then what if you decide to stop giving the dog treats, well he’ll stop his little trick which your, the owner were enjoying. This is called extinction of the operant behavior. Now, if you were to start showing the dog treats, then most likely he/she’ll want to start doing the tricks again and a little more quickly than the dog learned at first. This is because the return of the reinforcer takes place in the context of a reinforcement history that goes all the way back to the very first time the dog was reinforced for performing the tricks. Continuous reinforcement is the original scenario: Every time that the dog does the behavior (such as performing a trick), he gets a treat. The fixed ratio schedule was the first one Skinner discovered: If the dog did the trick three times, say, he gets a goodie. Or five times. Or twenty times. Or â€Å"x† times. There is a fixed ratio between behaviors and reinforcers: 3 to 1, 5 to 1, 20 to 1, etc. This is a little like â€Å"piece rate† in the clothing manufacturing industry: You get paid so much for so many shirts. Skinner also looked at variable schedules. Variable ratio means you change the â€Å"x† each ... ...e aversive stimulus of hunger? Skinner (contrary to some stereotypes that have arisen about behaviorists) doesn’t â€Å"approve† of the use of aversive stimuli -- not because of ethics, but because they don’t work well! Notice that I said earlier that Johnny will maybe stop throwing his toys, and that I perhaps will take out the garbage? That’s because whatever was reinforcing the bad behaviors hasn’t been removed, as it would’ve been in the case of extinction. This hidden reinforcer has just been â€Å"covered up† with a conflicting aversive stimulus. So, sure, sometimes the child (or me) will behave -- but it still feels good to throw those toys. All Johnny needs to do is wait till you’re out of the room, or find a way to blame it on his brother, or in some way escape the consequences, and he’s back to his old ways.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  B. F. Skinner made numerous contributions to the science of behavior. He strongly influenced the area of learning that he named operant conditioning. His Skinner box is now a standard apparatus for the experimental study of animal behavior. Much of his work involved the study of how reinforcement schedules influence learning and behavior.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Empress Wu’s rise to power is interesting

There is A Confucian dogma that pushes women ruling as â€Å"unnatural† (Empress Wu Zetian, 2008).   However, in China there lived one woman who rose to power. Wu Hou, also called Empress Wu Zetian, ruled China during the Tang dynasty, the only female to do so (2008). While some depict Empress Wu’s regime as autocracy, it could not be denied that she ruled China effectively, preserving the country’s diplomatic relationships with other nations (Hucker, 1975, p.143). Empress Wu’s rise to power is interesting. The Tang dynasty is described as a time when women experienced some freedom, at a time when women were not limited to being subservient (Empress Wu Zetian, 2008). It was a period where women became part of cultural and political endeavors (2008).   Wu came from a noble family and thus was taught music, how to write and read Chinese classics (2008).   Her father was one of Emperor Kao- tsu’s supporters while her mother descended from the Sui royal family (Safra, 2002, p.90). When she was 13 years old, she was sent to Emperor Tai Tsung’s court to be a servant (2008). Soon, Wu became Emperor Tai Tsung’s favorite concubine. When the emperor died, Wu was removed from the palace, as customary (Hucker, 1975,b p.142). The emperor’s son, Kau-Tsung became the emperor at age 21 (2002). However, the new emperor, as fate would have it, was also enamored with Wu, giving him sons (Empress Wu Zetian, 2008). Wu soon became the emperor’s favorite concubine and soon was hungry for power. Rumors have it that that Wu killed her own child and blamed Empress Wang (Kau- Tsung’s wife) of the crime (Walsh, 2003).   Kau-Tsung believed Wu and married her, making her the new empress (2008). Five years into their marriage, the emperor was struck with stroke and soon gave power to Empress Wu. When Emperor Kau-Tsung died, Empress Wu used her power to renounce the new emperors, her sons and by 690, Empress Wu was crowned as the Emperor of China (Walsh, 2003). She ruled China until 705 (Hucker, 1975, p.142). Empress Wu soon began her campaign to uplift the women in a relatively men-dominated environment. She ordered scholars to write biographies of prominent women (Empress Wu Zetian, 2008). She also saw to it that her mother’s clan was given high positions in the political arena (2008). The new empress favored religion and symbolism. Rituals were changed during her reign (Safra, 2002, p.90).   Names of officials were even altered, and the emperor or empress, in her case, was dubbed with the new title â€Å"Heavenly Emperor† (p.90).   Empress Wu manipulated the government to follow her, employing informers and agents (p. 90). She made Buddhism as the preferred state religion (Empress Wu Zetian, 2008). Empress Wu was able to engineer the Buddhist scripture into building a Ming T’ang or â€Å"Hall of Light†, a shrine to Heaven as depicted in the Classics (p. 90). She was even able to convince every prefecture to create a temple which alludes to Wu being an incarnation of Buddha (p.90). The empress’ given surname ‘Wu’ was also exploited. Everyone who had the same surname as the empress was exempted from paying taxes (p.90). In 690, Empress Wu changed the dynasty from T’ang to Chou (Safra, 2002,p. 90). She had become China’s female ruler. During Empress Wu’s reign, China was in the midst of foreign battles.   Despite being depicted as a dictator, Empress Wu was instrumental in China’s diplomatic relationships. Together with Kao-Tsung, Wu mediated in the Korean Civil War (Hucker, 1975,p.143). At that time, Koreans were able to dominate in the Korean state of Silla, they acknowledged Wu’s reign (p.143). When Empress Wu was 80 years old, her power had started to diminish. She was finally abdicated and the T’ang dynasty was restored (Safra, 2002,p. 91). Empress Wu is truly an interesting leader. For one, she is female. At a time when males where dominating the political arena, she rose to power. It is remarkable especially since Asian culture tends to be patriarchal and for a female to rule and succeed, that is exceptional. True, Empress Wu’s reign was plagued with intrigues and scandals.   She was a dictator, a usurper and while this is not new to some leaders, it is still rather surprising to find a woman who is such. That is not to say that only men can be dictators. Women can also be dictators but sometimes they simply do it subtly. Empress Wu was shrewd and she let the world knew it.   It is even shocking to discover that she may have murdered her own child just to fulfil her desire to become empress. Although this was never confirmed, the thought of parent harming his/her child is disturbing. It is something that people read in newspapers or see in the television now but to think that it happened way before it has become a norm, to say the least, it truly startling. Stories of leaders conning people to get what they want is normal, albeit wrong. This just goes to show that even during those times; power and greed were already present and destroying individuals. On a positive note, Empress Wu was one who paved the way for women empowerment. She used her position to uplift the status of women in her country.   It is interesting to know during a time when women were thought to be subservient; there rose a woman who wanted to change the norm. Leaders, regardless of gender, can learn something from Empress Wu- good traits and bad ones. References Empress Wu Zetian (2008). Retrieved 17 February 2008 Hucker, C. (1975). China’s Imperial Past. An Introduction to Chinese History And Culture. California: Stanford University Press. Safra, J. (Ed.). (2002). China. The New Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol.16, pp.90-91. Walsh, J. (2002). The Empress Wu Hou- China’s Only Female Ruler, Retrieved 17 February 2008, from   

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on 2Pac

Tupac Shakur (2Pac) Tupac Shakur was born in Brooklyn, NY in 1971. Early in his life, he moved to Baltimore, ND, where he attended The Baltimore School, Tupac led a lasting impression on his teachers and was showing tremendous potential. Unfortunately, Tupac was unable to continue his training. He moved to Oakland, California with the rest of his family. That’s when Tupac began hanging with the wrong crowd. Tupac later got into the rap and acting business, he was dedicated to both rap/hiphop and acting. Tupac was very real, whatever was on his mind he said it in his lyrics. Not held back by his lack of formal education, Tupac joined the Rap group Digital Underground as a dancer. Not long before the group achieved award-winning success, Tupac released his own album â€Å"2pacalypse now†, which was also a success. The hit single â€Å"Brenda’s Got A Baby† launched Tupac’s career like a rocket. His stunning talent also hot him a role in the motion picture â€Å"Juiceâ₠¬ . Tupac eventually released a second album â€Å"Strictly for my Niggaz,† which was an even bigger success. The highlight of Tupac’s acting career came when he appeared in â€Å"Poetic Juice† besides Janet Jackson. The role Jackson 2 made Tupac a household name and showed the world that music may not be Tupac’s number one thing. In the midst of a role in the movie â€Å"Above the Rim† and a Platinum album â€Å"Me against the world,† Tupac’s rising career was snagged. A woman he met at a nightclub brought him up on sexual assault charges. Hours before Tupac would be found guilty, men whose intent and purpose is still uncertain robbed Tupac at gunpoint. Tupac was eventually released at over $1 Million in bail. After his release, Tupac answered his critics by releasing his best album, â€Å"All eyes on me.† â€Å"All eyes on me† has currently sold around 6 Million copies, which is revolutionary for a double cd. Especially in Hip Hop music. As the album climbed the charts, ... Free Essays on 2pac Free Essays on 2pac Tupac Shakur (2Pac) Tupac Shakur was born in Brooklyn, NY in 1971. Early in his life, he moved to Baltimore, ND, where he attended The Baltimore School, Tupac led a lasting impression on his teachers and was showing tremendous potential. Unfortunately, Tupac was unable to continue his training. He moved to Oakland, California with the rest of his family. That’s when Tupac began hanging with the wrong crowd. Tupac later got into the rap and acting business, he was dedicated to both rap/hiphop and acting. Tupac was very real, whatever was on his mind he said it in his lyrics. Not held back by his lack of formal education, Tupac joined the Rap group Digital Underground as a dancer. Not long before the group achieved award-winning success, Tupac released his own album â€Å"2pacalypse now†, which was also a success. The hit single â€Å"Brenda’s Got A Baby† launched Tupac’s career like a rocket. His stunning talent also hot him a role in the motion picture â€Å"Juiceâ₠¬ . Tupac eventually released a second album â€Å"Strictly for my Niggaz,† which was an even bigger success. The highlight of Tupac’s acting career came when he appeared in â€Å"Poetic Juice† besides Janet Jackson. The role Jackson 2 made Tupac a household name and showed the world that music may not be Tupac’s number one thing. In the midst of a role in the movie â€Å"Above the Rim† and a Platinum album â€Å"Me against the world,† Tupac’s rising career was snagged. A woman he met at a nightclub brought him up on sexual assault charges. Hours before Tupac would be found guilty, men whose intent and purpose is still uncertain robbed Tupac at gunpoint. Tupac was eventually released at over $1 Million in bail. After his release, Tupac answered his critics by releasing his best album, â€Å"All eyes on me.† â€Å"All eyes on me† has currently sold around 6 Million copies, which is revolutionary for a double cd. Especially in Hip Hop music. As the album climbed the charts, ... Free Essays on 2Pac Tupac Music: Censored or Let It Be? â€Å"Censorship† recently we have been hearing a lot about the need for censorship of television and recording industries. Whether it is the cartoon Beavis and Butthead, the controversial television drama NYPD Blue or rap recording artists, someone always seems to argue about their negative effects on society and the need for government regulation. Being a fan of rap, I am particularly interested in issues effecting regulation of the recording industry and rap artists. Popular gangsta rappers include Dr. Dre, Snoop Doggy Dog, Tupac Shakur, Ice Cube, and Ice T. Many are outraged at the explicit lyrics of the songs and the lifestyles of these artists. Tupac Shakur is one of the most publicized gansta rappers whose songs contain explicit lyrics and who has been indicted for criminal activities. Tupac was a gangster rap artist who practiced what he preached. Because of his profanity and lyrics, people say he should be censored. He has the right to rap about whatever he wishes, because it’s his way to expressing his feelings, it’s not against the law, and it’s the truth. Tupac uses a lot of profanity, and his lyrics are inappropriate for kids. The song â€Å"Hit em’ Up† starts off with vulgar language and has negative content. â€Å"First off, *censored* your bitch and the click you claim West Side when we ride comin' equipped with game You claim to be a playa but I *censored*ed your wife We bust on Bad Boy niggas *censored*ed for life.† His music is for young adults, not for young kids who are easily influenced. Kids won’t know what Tupac is really rapping about anyway, but the more they hear it and grow up with it, the more it will become a part of them. The Yim 2 lyrics to most of his songs are about death and about life in the ghetto. Even though all of it is reality, kids should not be exposed at such a young age. Tupac expresses his feelings by letting it flow onto the paper and then i...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Freeze Tag essays

Freeze Tag essays I just read the book Freeze Tag by Caroline B. Cooney. I thought that this book was excellent! This was one of the best books I have read in a very long time. This book was very supportive, and it told many more things about the characters, which is what I like because it made me feel like I actually know the characters. This book brought me into fear, sadness, and anger. I was first of all fearful for every single person that Lannie Anveill froze. Just when Lannie didnt get her way, you could guarantee that the person that was hassling her or giving her a hard time was already frozen. I also felt very sad for Meghan Moore. I felt said for Meghan only because for a little while, she lost the love of her life. The only boy that she had actually cared for, or even bothered to notice. When Meghan had West Trevor, she hardly noticed anybody else that was round. The only reason that I felt angry in this book was because of Lannie. I was angry because Lannie thought that it was ok to fre eze her mom, step-dad, and little kids. Lannie thought that it was perfectly fine, like that is what was supposed to happen. I just didnt understand why she froze people when she didnt get her way. The character that I liked the most was definitely West Trevor. He was a major part in this book. If he wasnt in the book the whole thing probably wouldnt have worked. He held up everything that went on, from things that dealt with Lannie freezing people, Meghan freaking out, and protecting people by going along with whatever Lannie said to do. One character that I didnt like so much was probably Meghan. In my eyes, I saw her as a whiney baby. All she did was complain about how much she missed West, the whole Trevor family, how boring her house was, and how mean Lannie was. I didnt like her because she should have stopped whining and took action. Actions speak louder than words, and I think that if s ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Strategic Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 11

Strategic Management - Essay Example Belasen and Frank (2007) in their paper â€Å"Competing values leadership: quadrant roles and personality traits†, sought to establish a system of number and order of leadership roles and tag the associated personality traits which determine leadership roles to them. Thus it’s an effort at establishing a system of metrics to define an otherwise indeterminate and disparate amount of values. Their use of LISREL to determine the extent of fit between competing values framework (CVF) and quadrants is essentially one loaded with a priori tenets of recalcitrant logic. Next Haakonsson, Burton, Obel and Lauridsen (2008) in their paper â€Å"How failure to align organizational climate and leadership style affects performance†, hypothesize that â€Å"misalignments between climate and leadership style are problematic for organizational performance†. The study is based on regression analysis of data collected through a questionnaire. Though the authors acknowledge an element of prejudice and bias on the part of Chief Executive Officers (CEOs), there is still a considerable divergence among variables because the study is primarily a posteriori in its outcomes. Despite the existence of various influences on organizational culture and leadership style, a common tendency to produce a confluence of ideological stances on the part of the two cannot be altogether absent either. Finally Lakshman in his paper â€Å"Attributional theory of leadership: a model of functional attributions and behaviors†, applies cognitive complexity theory and attributional complexity theory to the study of positive and functional contingency model of leadership style with primary focus on the strategic behaviors of the manager/leader. According to the author in so far as subordinates are self-efficacious and motivated by a particular leadership style there is no divergence from the trend-setting behavioral construct. This assumption

Friday, November 1, 2019

Charlotte Beer's CEO Ogilvy and Mather Worldwide Essay - 21

Charlotte Beer's CEO Ogilvy and Mather Worldwide - Essay Example This paper illustrates that Ogilvy Mather (O&M) is one of the worldwide leading adverting agencies. When Beer took over as the new CEO and Chairman, the organization was on the verge of collapsing. Notably, the organization, there was a breakdown in communication channels, and the overall performance of the organization had significantly deteriorated. According to Beer, the efforts to restructure the organization back to its initial position were messy, painful and chaotic. While introducing the change within the management tier, the "Brand Stewardship" faced enormous challenges. Beer stewardship refers to the new agency philosophy that was intended to build brands within the organization. Sadly, the philosophy was poorly understood due to various communication shortcomings. Firstly, when Beer took over there was great excitement and a time to introduce change was ripe. In her first attempt at launching stewardship, she concentrated much on involving customers and investors. While th is could be a strategy to regain back the lost customers and invite new investors to the organization, the need to create a motivated staff should have formed the primary responsibility. In addition, customers had opted out of the organization due to inconsistency and fall in products quality. Matha & Boehm state that the standards of service are proportional to the staff capability and motivation. Certainly, the focus should have been a direct two-way communication with the employees. In addition, Beer greatest undoing was an uncertainty of who to seek help from in charting a new organization discourse. In fact, the press and companies focused on her solo effort in bringing up Beer Stewardship. Lack of teamwork and shared decision-making contributed to the slow development of the change program. In any organizational change strategy, the stakeholders must be involved in needs identification.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Japanese views on Gender Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Japanese views on Gender - Essay Example The post-war educational reforms in 1949 had opened all forms of higher education to women but the ‘gender-track’ in Japan continues. Higher education in Japan serves only two functions – general education and professional education and there is significant difference in the higher education of men and women. Women were given education enough for them to fulfill their assigned roles as women, which is why their education was limited to home sciences and humanities. Women are still confined to Junior colleges or women’s colleges or to some particular fields of specialization. Women however became conscious and entered the field of high education and started fighting for their rights as equals. With changes in education, legislation and work force, women’s attitudes and values changed. This affected women’s self-concepts and perception of abilities. According to Hofstede’s cultural dimensions, Japan is a collectivist society, an extremely masculine country. Inequality and gender discrimination in Japanese society remains pervasive due to persisting assumptions about the sexual division of labour. Women have made progress in the education the business world but obstacles towards equality persist. While women’s consciousness has been stirred and they have also entered the field of politics, it is argued that gender issues should not be seen as a simple issue of improving the status of women. Women are becoming engaged in politics and standing for election. They have also been forming associations to act together on issues such as day-care, maternity leave, and sexual harassment policies but they encounter political constraints when it comes to decision making.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Organizing Relationships Traditional and Emerging Perspectives on Workplace Relationships Essay Example for Free

Organizing Relationships Traditional and Emerging Perspectives on Workplace Relationships Essay Business ethics               One of the issues that have raised concerns in business nowadays is the relationship between senior employees, and the junior employees of the opposite sex. For years, senior employees such as managers and directors have been accused of sexually or emotionally abusing the junior employees working under them. Some are even accused of threatening to dismiss the employees who decline their request for sexual favors from them. Though this may be seen as sexual harassment, the case might be something different from that. Simply because the relationship is between senior and a junior employee, it may not be right to rush to a conclusion that the boss is sexually or emotionally exploiting their subject. It may be a relationship that has developed naturally due to the level of intimacy of the two employees of the opposite gender.            The controversial nature of this issue is clearly portrayed in the mail online article of November 13th, 2013. The article explains that the report of a study carried out by business week has shown that most of these relationships between employees have nothing to do with harassment. During the survey, it was found out that most of the people working in the offices would be up to a sexual relationship with someone from their office if they got the chance. Of the 2500 respondents interviewed during the survey, 85 percent said it was right for employees within the company to be allowed to have sexual relationships. Some even confessed of sexually admiring their coworkers. After all this, why does the Human Resource department discourage intimate relationships between their employees of opposite gender? The answer is that they conclude that one of the parties in the relationship is sexually harassed, especially if one of the parties is the boss of the other.                Some people may accuse me of supporting the behavior of the bosses to engage in sexual relationships with their colleagues. But if we consider some working conditions in some organizations, we see that the relations originate absolutely from intimacy and not harassment. Consider the case of a male manager, who works with a lady as the personal secretary. It is very possible for the two to engage in an affair due to the intimacy created by the working conditions. The two attend meetings together, go for lunch together, spend time together in the office, sometimes they go together to attend meetings far from their place of work, and many other closely spent times. From all these close relation, is it not against the laws of nature for something more than boss-secretary relationship to happen? Ironically, when a relationship develops between the manager and his secretary, the manager will be accused of sexually harassing the secretary! In my opinion, the boss wo uld be emotionally harassing the secretary if he chose to ignore the feelings that develop after been together almost all the time.               It may also be arguable that boss-subject relationships may adversely affect the performance of the employees. Employees may be reluctant in their work simply because the boss, who is supposed to supervise their work, can not condemn them because of the existing bond. This may be the idea behind the fight by the human resource department against sexual relationships at the workplace. However, this may not always be the case. This relationship may boost the performance of an employee who will always be trying to be the best to impress the boss. The article workplace relationships on Wikipedia explain of a theory, Workplace Relationship Quality and information Experiences, which originated from a study conducted by Patricia Sias. The theory states the most productive employees are the ones with high access to information about their workplace. It is obvious that the employees with a relationship more than the ordinary workplace relationship have a higher access to business information. I may, therefore, be right to say that the boss-subject relationships can play an important part in boosting the productivity of the employees. The article further describes relationships at the workplace as â€Å"workplace romance†. It explains that though these relationships may not make the workplace so comfortable for other employees; it plays a very important part in the working of the parties involved in the affair. It increases performance due to high motivation and overall job satisfaction.               Even though some senior employees in some business organization sexually exploit their junior colleagues, let us not mistake every relationship for sexual exploitation or harassment. It is good to appreciate that these bosses and their subjects are just ordinary people and what makes their difference is only the working position and titles. When there is a relationship between two junior employees of opposite gender, this is taken to be an ordinary love relationship. Why then do we have to treat the seniors differently? Aren’t they the same as the juniors? What marks the difference is only job level. It is, therefore, necessary to analyze the situation before concluding that a boss is sexually harassing a junior workmate. References Sias, P. M. (2009). Organizing relationships traditional and emerging perspectives on workplace relationships. Los Angeles: SAGE. ( Sias, P. M. (2008). Organizing Relationships Traditional and Emerging Perspectives on Workplace Relationships.. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications. ( Source document

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Faust as a Tragic Hero Essay -- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe essays pape

Faust as a Tragic Hero   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the story of Faust, written by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Faust is whirled into an adventure of sin and deceit. The further Faust follows the devil the closer he comes to his own demise, taking down with him the innocent Gretchen. As Faust goes on he embodies the characteristics of a tragic hero in a sense that he is borderline good and evil, constantly battling his conscience. The one major flaw that initiates his self-destruction is the fact that he feels he is extremely intelligent and can not be out witted.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Faust is a man of privilege, his father having been a doctor and himself a respected scholar; but he is essentially a desperate character, continuously yearning for more than this world has to offer. He is an extremely well educated man as well as wise in the ways of the world. As a result of his exceeding knowledge he becomes grossly cynical in his old age. His quest for greater knowledge and power leads him into the realm of sorcery and witch craft.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Faust’s dealings with darkness eventually lead him to deal with the ruler of all that is wicked and deceitful, the devil himself. Naturally Faust, longing for more than earthly pleasures, is compelled to accept Mephistopheles’ promises of complete contentment and satisfaction. Faust’s ego is such that he feels he can not be out witted even by the most skillful and cunning deceiver to ever walk the face of the earth. Soon Faust is on a journey leading to more misery and t...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Juno and the Paycock :: English Literature

Juno and the Paycock â€Å"O’Casey’s women in Juno and the Paycock are strong and admirable characters†. Juno and Mary Boyle’s lives aren’t very pleasant in this 1920’s play which is separated into three acts which contain a mixture of both tragic and humorous elements. Juno, the wife of Captain Boyle, is the mother of two children who are in constant need of attention from her. Furthermore, as the play continues this need of attention grows with the facts of financial difficulties, the pregnancy of Mary (daughter) and also her son’s, Johnny, death in the end. O’Casey clearly shows that Juno certainly has her work cut out for her, as she is not only the one person in the family who has a job, but also she is the house-wife and must render her family by making all the meals, going to buy the groceries, doing any form of house work and looking after the family in general. For example, on page 8 she says, â€Å"I killin’ meself workin’,† and also on page 12 she says, â€Å"Your poor wife slavin’ to keep the bit in your mouth†¦Ã¢â‚¬  these two references show just how hard Juno works to keep her family happy and alive. This is not made any easier when Mr. Boyle spends any money Juno has saved, in hope for any decent future for the family, on alcohol in the local pub. Therefore Juno cannot afford any type of luxuries for herself as she definitely does deserve it. The poverty is evident on page 12 in Juno’s comment to Mr. Boyle, â€Å"eat your breakfast†¦ it may be the last you’ll get for I don’t know where the next one is goin to come from.† But even this will not cause concern for Juno’s principles when on page six we learn that Juno is against Trade Unions, â€Å"When the employers sacrifice wan victim, the Trade Unions go wan betther be sacrificin’ a hundred.† Then Mary tells her that, â€Å"a principle’s a principle†, but Juno stays realistic and thinks well it’s all good and well having principles – if you can afford them. She is the one who seems to keep the family as a unit and this is evidently shown when Juno says, ‘I don’t know what any o’ yous ud do without your ma’. Juno is a well respected member of the family and might even be superior to Mr. Boyle and Joxer, a family friend, because when the pair is talking on page nine, Mrs. Boyle enters and both are said to be ‘stupefied’. After this, she offers him an egg, and he makes the excuse that he’s in a desperate hurry – this may be

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Horse Colic

The term colic refers to pain in the abdomen of horses. It is not a single disease, but is the manifestation of a considerable number of diseases: all of which produce pain, and some of which are potentially deadly. Making a specific diagnosis to determine the actual cause of the colic can be extremely difficult for veterinarians at times. Because of the multitude of possible causes, it is of value to examine several excellent recent research reviews which looked closely at the classification of colics, and at the causative factors, incidence and mortality associated with these diseases. The majority of cases of colic occur due to unknown causes, but are primarily presumed to be associated with intestinal muscle spasm or the accumulation of abnormal amounts of gas in a portion of the intestine. In general, colic results due to the distension of the bowel by ingesta, fluid, gas, or due to a functional impairment of the normal intestinal motility. In more severe cases, abdominal pain may be the result of damage to the intestinal wall by reduced blood supply (ischaemia), inflammation, death of tissue (infarction) or oedema (swelling and increased fluid). The causes of colic can be classified by well recognised pathological categories, including obstruction, strangulation, enteritis/colitis, peritonitis, as well as by the site involved – stomach, small intestine, caecum, large colon, small colon, peritoneum, and other organs including liver, spleen and kidney Rather than simply listing the types of colic which can occur, it is now of value to look at what we do actually know about causes, prevalence and risk factors, as well as strategies to prevent colics. Nathaniel White, DVM, of the Marion Dupont Scott Equine Medical Center, Virginia, reviewed the risk factors in the USA in 2002, in his publication â€Å"Prevalence, demographics and Risk Factors for Colic, www. ivis. org, with the following comments and observations; Out of 100 horses in the general population, 4-10 cases of colic are expected in one year. About 10-15% of the colics are repeat cases, with some horses having 2-4 colic episodes yearly. Horses that have had a previous colic are three times as likely to have a second colic compared to a horse that has never had colic. Most colic signs were simple colic or ileus (no contractions of the gut) with no specific diagnosis entered in 80-85% of cases. In one study, 30% of horses with colic were identified by owners but never seen by vets because the colic was short lived or resolved by the owner. Studies of colic cases seen by vets reported a predominance of simple obstruction or spasmodic colic. Impaction colics made up about 10% of cases, and obstruction or strangulating diseases requiring surgery made up from 2-4% of cases. Universities report that simple colic and impaction colics are the most commonly reported. When a specific gut location can be identified by veterinarians, the large colon is the most commonly affected, followed by small intestine, caecum and small colon respectively. Diseases which cause strangulation (twisted bowel) have the highest fatality rate- with the large colon torsions being more common than small intestine torsions. Colic is responsible for more deaths in horses than any other disease except old age. In normal farm horse populations, horse mortality from all types of colic was 0. 7 deaths per 100 horse-years, with a colic case fatality rate of 6. 7%. Risk Factors For Colic In some colic cases the cause may be evident, such as in grain overload, but even in these cases, the exact mechanism which initiates the problem is often unknown. By looking at known risk factors we can begin to reduce the incidence by eliminating possible risk factors. There are internal and external risk factors for colic: Breed While no breed is immune to colic, several studies suggest that Arabian horses have more colic episodes, while some other studies suggest that Thoroughbreds have more. Standardbreds and Warmbloods tend to have more inguinal hernias due to the increased size of their inguinal ring. Age Young and older horses appear to be less at risk of simple colic, so middle aged horses are most at risk. Weanlings and yearlings are most likely to suffer ileocaecal intussusceptions. Diet Diet has long been blamed for colic. Course roughage with low digestibility or particularly coarse fibre is observed to cause impaction colic. Grain overload significantly increases the risk of colic and laminitis. Feeds such as lush clover and lush pasture have been implicated in causing bloat. Information on feeding here When investigated by controlled studies, increased amounts of grain, and changes in the type of hay and grain fed during the year both increased the odds of colic compared to horses without grain or changes in feed. One study also reported that daily feeding of concentrate from 2. to 5kg/day and >5kg/day to adult horses increased the risk of colic by 4. 8 and 6. 3 times respectively, compared to horses fed no concentrate. Interestingly, controlled studies confirm that pellet feeds and sweet feeds were associated with an increased risk of colic compared to no grain fed or single grain diets. Grain diets are also known to decrease the water content in the colon contents due to a decrease in fibre which binds to water in the colon. Grain diets are also known to travel through the stomach much more rapidly than fibrous diets. Grain in the diet increases gas production, and is much more likely to produce an environment needed for bloat and intestinal displacements. The horse stomach is relatively small, and is designed to take in small quantities of food often. Horses are herbivores, and naturally spend a large part of the day grazing, continually taking in small quantities of food. When more intensive management, including work and training programs, stabling, and feeding 2-3 times daily, occurs, the normal feeding habits of horses are disrupted to varying degrees. Intensive stabling and work often require higher energy levels in feedstuffs to allow the horse to cope with increased work requirements. The higher energy levels are provided by high grain and concentrate components in the ration, often at the risk of reducing roughage and fibre levels to inadequate volumes. The horse digestive system is designed to utilise roughage and fibre, and any deficiency of fibre will result in digestive disturbances, including colics. It is highly important to continue regular feeding habits of horses, maintaining regular feed volumes and feeding intervals. Do not work horses hard after a full feed. Never give large quantities of food to a horse not accustomed to it. Make feeding changes gradually. Do not allow an overheated horse to drink cold water until it has cooled off sufficiently, or the cold water will almost certainly predispose the horse to colic. Water horses before feeding. Allow access to water again immediately after feeding. Horses prefer clean, fresh water available at all times. A horse will drink anywhere from 22 to 68 litres of water daily, depending on weather conditions, diet and workload. Do not feed horses directly off the ground, especially in sandy or fine gravel regions, as the uptake of sand will predispose horses to sand colics and impactions. Avoid sudden feed changes. These will rapidly induce colic in most horses. Mouldy feeds, such as hay, are potentially deadly to horses, and regularly cause colic. Check hay thoroughly, especially any lush, moist hay which may have been baled while too wet. Never feed mouldy hay to horses. Environment & Management Housing and confinement on farms in the Virginia study were not risk factors for colic. It does however seem logical that changes in diet or feeding routine are associated with risk of colic. Certainly large horse properties report that the routine of feeding grain after being brought in from pasture to stables increases the colic risk – specifically for bloat and displacements. Altering this routine by keeping horses turned out after feeding grain decreases the rate of colic. Similarly, when hay is available to horses on lush pasture, the hay will be consumed as part of the diet and colic rate is decreased. Sand colic and impactions are seen where horses graze on pastures grown on sandy soils, or where horses are forced to eat off the ground with predominantly sand or fine gravel. Previous colic Horses with a history of colic are at higher risk for more colic episodes Parasites Internal parasites are related to increased colic risks in many studies. Gut obstructions due to ascarids in foals, tapeworm related colic and strongyle infections have all been reported as causing colics. Many reports confirm a decrease in colic after controlling small strongyle infections on properties with previously high colic incidences. Tapeworm infestations have been related to increased colic, specifically with colic associated with diseases of the ileum and caecum including increasing the rate of serious intussusception at the ileocaecal region. The general use of ivermectin over the last 20 years has seen a reduction in reports of colic associated with thrombosis of the cranial mesenteric artery due to Strongylus vulgaris larvae. Pregnancy Mares are reported to have a higher risk of colic by colon displacement during late pregnancy and lactation, particularly from 60 to 150 days after foaling. The actual reasons for this are not known, but calcium levels and alterations in diet including increases in energy due to the higher levels of concentrates in the diet to support lactation may be related to the increased risk. Exercise Racehorses, event horses and endurance horses all have an increased risk of gastric ulceration which can be linked to some colic episodes. These horses are often on high grain/low roughage diets which tend to produce gut acidosis and predispose to colics. Transport and Traveling Transport increases the risk of colic in several studies. Many vets commonly administer a laxative to horses prior to transport to prevent colic from impactions. These colics may be due to variations in feeding routine, fluid intake, dehydration, etc. Weather Many veterinarians frequently associate weather changes with increased frequency of colic, but many studies can find no confirmation of this. Prognosis and Strategies to Prevent Colic In a second paper, â€Å"Prognosis and Strategies to Prevent Colic†, Nathaniel White discussed the survival issues with colic cases, stating that predicting survival in horses with colic is often challenging. Any horse which does not respond to initial therapy may be regarded as having a much more serious prognosis. In an effort to assist veterinary practitioners and owners, White attempted to apply previous knowledge of outcomes for specific diseases. Case fatality for specific colic diseases varies from a few deaths in cases of simple colic to as much as 75% in some forms of strangulated intestine. Simple obstructions of the large colon such as displacements and impactions have low fatality rates (

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How to Write a Book Proposal a Master Guide (with Template)

How to Write a Book Proposal a Master Guide (with Template) The Complete Guide to Writing a Book Proposal Last updated: 08/15/2018Have you got a nonfiction book idea and dream of securing a million-dollar deal - all before writing the book itself?Well, we’ve got two words for that: book proposal. In the nonfiction world, publishers will ask an author to submit this vital document (and not the entire book). However, if you want it to emerge unscathed from the slush pile, your proposal must be clear, thoroughly researched, and ironclad.To sculpt your proposal into its best self, we've recruited the aid of the top developmental editors on our marketplace -    and provided a book proposal template for you.Now, this guide and the book proposal template complement one another, so you’ve got two ways to go about this. If you’d like to refer back to the template as you read this guide, you can go ahead and download it in the Book Proposal Template section.Or, if you've already written your proposal and want to know how to submit it, check out this three-step guide.And, be fore you get too far, it's also worth knowing that writing a book proposal is not the same as a query letter - which is what you would write to attract a literary agent's attention.What is a book proposal?The book proposal is a 15-50 (or so) page manuscript that a writer uses to pitch a nonfiction book to publishers. Though it’s written in place of an actual book, it should build a complete argument for the book idea. Chiefly, a good proposal will cover:what the book is about,why you're the perfect person to write this book,who will buy the book, andhow you are going to convey the message.If you successfully execute this, the sum of the proposal’s parts will convince a publisher to invest in you and your goal: a published book.Here’s another way to think about it. You’re convinced that your book idea is a diamond in the rough, right? Well, you’ve first got to refine it to the point that its cut catches the eye of even the most cynical publisher. N ow, the book proposal is going to be the dais on which you display your diamond so that it glows. Everything you wanted to know (but never asked) about book proposals #PubTips What must a book proposal show a publisher?Publishers read thousands of proposals a week. (We say this without exaggeration.) They’re forgoing tea parties to read your proposal. That means that they want to see the potential in your book - and that they will be wondering one thing more than anything else. Can this book make us money? Already written a book proposal that you now want to perfect? Consider working with a professional developmental editor to make every component of your book proposal airtight and cogent. They charge between $500 and $2,000.Not started writing your book proposal yet? Consider taking on an experienced ghostwriter to write the whole proposal for you. They charge between $2,000 and $20,000."Proposals can range anywhere from a few thousand dollars up to $20,000. It all depends on the amount of idea developing and writing that's needed." - Stacy Ennis, GhostwriterPublishing professionals possess decades of experience reading, editing, and re-tuning book proposals. There’s no real replacement for their insight and training. It’s a worthwhile investment, especially for anyone who wants to hear those magic words, â€Å"Let’s get you on a book deal.†What's your experience writing proposals been like? Do you have any additional questions about the book proposal temp late? Leave your thoughts in the comments below!Huge thanks to editors  Jeff Shreve, Geoffrey Stone, Patrick Price, Jennifer Barclay, Fran Lebowitz, Elizabeth Evans, Laura Yorke, Katharine Sands, and Jaimee Garbacik as well as  ghostwriters Andrew Crofts  and Stacy Ennis for their input and suggestions!

Monday, October 21, 2019

ACT vs. TOEFL What to Know About Each Test

ACT vs. TOEFL What to Know About Each Test SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If you’re an international student or non-native English speaker applying to college in the United States, then this guide is for you! To get into college, you’ll likely have to take two admissions tests: the TOEFL and the ACT. This guide is specifically geared toward students interested in taking the TOEFL and ACT (if you’re taking the SAT, then check out this guide instead!). Read on to learn what colleges require, how the TOEFL and ACT compare, and what you can do to prepare for both. What Tests Do Colleges Require? U.S. colleges require two tests for admission from non-native English speakers. One is the TOEFL, which demonstrates your English language skills. The other is the ACT, which demonstrates your reasoning and problem-solving skills. It’s important to note that you always have options. Instead of the TOEFL, you could take the IELTS, and instead of the ACT, you could take the SAT. This guide, as mentioned above, is focused on the TOEFL and ACT. Colleges vary in their policies, and some will waive the TOEFL if you’ve taken English classes throughout high school or achieved a certain score on the English and Reading sections of the ACT. Before you take any unnecessary tests, make sure you understand college requirements. Read on for advice on where to find admission test requirements. How to Find Colleges’ Testing Requirements If you’re a non-native English speaker applying to college, chances are that you’ll take both the TOEFL and the ACT. Colleges vary in their policies, though, so you should do your research before registering for any tests. Typically, you’ll find the information you need on the admissions section of a college’s official website. More specifically, you should go to the section for international applicants. Even if you’re a U.S. citizen, this international applicant section is usually where colleges publicize their TOEFL policies. To give you one example, let’s say you go to Boston University’s page for â€Å"Freshman Applicants - International.† There you’ll find this message: â€Å"BU requires the SAT or ACT with writing. The TOEFL or IELTS is also required if your first language or the primary language spoken in your home is not English.† On BU’s website, you see that you’ll need to take both the ACT and the TOEFL. If you go to a college’s website and can’t find these details, you should definitely contact the admissions office via phone or email. Whether you’re researching a college’s website or talking to its admissions office directly, you should askthree main questions. 1. Which Tests Are Required? First, you need to research the admissions testing requirements of your school. What tests do they want to see from non-native English speakers? Do they require the ACT, or are they a test-optional or test-flexible school that will let you send AP scores instead? Don’t assume that all colleges are the same. They might all have different policies! Check the requirements of each college that you’re interested in individually. 2. DoYouRequire a Minimum TOEFL Score? Many schools require a minimum TOEFL score from applicants. ATOEFL cutoff is an essential piece of information. Even if the rest of your application’s great, it won’t matter if you don’t have the requisite TOEFL score. To give a few examples, Northeastern and UMass Boston want to see at least a 79 to 80 on the TOEFL iBT. More selective schools, like NYU, American University, and Harvard, want to see at least 100. As you research colleges of interest, find out if they post a TOEFL cutoff, again by visiting the website or calling up the admissions office. Then set your target TOEFL score at least ten points higher than the minimum to present yourself as a competitive candidate. 3. Will You Waive the TOEFL If I Get High VerbalScores on the ACT? Finally, the last piece of information you should seek is whether there are any circumstances when a college waives its TOEFL requirement. There are some schools that will consider a high score on the ACT English and Reading sections sufficient evidence of your English language skills. Since these sections test your reading comprehension and grammar skills, they can sometimes act as a stand-in for TOEFL scores. Columbia, for example, will waive the TOEFL requirement if you score a 29 on the verbal sections of the ACT. Johns Hopkins eliminates its TOEFL requirement if you score a 30 on ACT English and Reading. You might notice that some schools publicize an SAT minimum, but not an ACT minimum in relation to the TOEFL. This doesn’t necessarily mean that they won’t waive the TOEFL with a certain ACT score; it just reflects the fact that the SAT was a more popular test with international applicants in past years (and that colleges don’t update their websites often enough!). If you see that a college of interest posted an SAT cutoff but not an ACT one, definitely give the admissions office a call to ask about this. Since colleges accept the SAT and ACT equally, they should have a similar policy for both tests. Once you’ve figured out all the answers to all of these questions (whether or not a school requires the TOEFL, if it calls for a minimum score, and if it waives the TOEFL in the case of high ACT verbal scores), then you can go on to plan your test dates and prep schedule. Read on to learn more about both admissions tests, starting with the TOEFL. Throw on your thinkingcap. It's time to learn about both tests. TOEFL and ACT: Learn About Both Tests If you’re taking the TOEFL and ACT to apply to college, then your first step in preparing should be learning about both tests. Below you’ll find an overview of each in terms of its structure and skills tested. While the two tests have some overlap, they’re largely unique exams that require their own individual approach. Let’s start with the TOEFL and go over its structure and content, along with tips onhow to prepare. TOEFL: Structure, Content, and Prep The TOEFL is a test of your English language skills. Most students will take the TOEFL iBT, or internet-based test, on the computer. The score range for the TOEFL iBT is from 0 to 120. A few countries offer it on paper. The TOEFL PBT, or paper-based test, has a score range from 310 to 677. Regardless of the test type, it will contain four main sections: Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing. Below is the full structure of the test. TOEFL Structure The TOEFL tests the four main skill areas of English language: Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing, in that order. The length of the first two sections, Reading and Listening, actually varies depending on whether or not you get extra experimental questions. These extra questions won’t be scored, but you won’t know which ones they are, so you’ll have to treat every question equally. This chart shows the length of the TOEFL sections, along with a brief description of the tasks in each. Order Section Time Limit Questions Tasks 1 Reading 60–80 minutes 36–56 questions Read 3 or 4 passages from academic texts and answer questions. 2 Listening 60–90 minutes 34–51 questions Listen to lectures, classroom discussions and conversations, then answer questions. Break 10 minutes - - 3 Speaking 20 minutes 6 tasks Express an opinion on a familiar topic; speak based on reading and listening tasks. 4 Writing 50 minutes 2 tasks Write essay responses based on reading and listening tasks; support an opinion in writing. Total: 3 hours, 20 min - 4 hours, 10 min (break included) Each section is scored between 0 and 30 points. Your total score is the sum of your section scores, so the maximum possible score is 120. While the chart has a brief description of tasks in each section, let’s take a closer look at the content in each, along with a few official sample questions! TOEFL Content As you read above, the TOEFL tests your English language across four main skill areas. You’ll find that some sections integrate more than one skill. For instance, the Speaking section features a reading and a listening task. Let’s delve into each section in the same order that they appear on the test, starting with Reading. TOEFL Reading The Reading section of the TOEFL features three to four short passages, most of which are taken from college-level textbooks. The passages may be expository, argument-based, or historical; you won’t find any fictional prose. Each passage is followed by questions about elements like the main point, key details, relationships between ideas, and vocabulary. The questions fall into three types: multiple choice, sentence insertions, and Reading to Learn questions. The multiple choice tend to be straightforward reading comprehension questions, about you about the meaning of a passage or details or vocabulary words within it. Here are two examples that refer to a preceding passage (not pictured here). The first example question asks about a vocabulary word, while the second asks you to make an inference. The word â€Å"perspective† on line 46 is closest in meaning to sense of values point of view calculation complication Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 3 about the location of the meteorite impact in Mexico? The location of the impact site in Mexico was kept secret by geologists from 1980 to 1990. It was a well-known fact that the impact had occurred in the Yucatn region. Geologists knew that there had been an impact before they knew where it had occurred. The Yucatn region was chosen by geologists as the most probable impact site because of its climate. The second question type, sentence insertions, ask you to add a sentence to a paragraph and indicate where it would fit best. Your goal is to clarify the meaning or organization of the selected passage. Reading to Learn questions are the most involved of the three types. They ask you to sort given information into a chart. You might place it into certain categories or put it in chronological order. Since these questions are multi-part, they may grant partial credit. Once you learn about the ACT, you’ll notice some similarities between the TOEFL Reading and ACT Reading and English. Reading comprehension questions are similar, and the sentence insertions resemble similar questions on the ACT English section. The next section on the TOEFL, though, is completely unique, as you’ll see below. Listening's next, you say? I'm all ears. TOEFL Listening As its name indicates, this section is meant to measure your listening comprehension of the English language. You’ll listen to selections from academic lectures or conversations. The conversations usually take place between students or between a professor or coach and a student. You can take notes throughout listening to the recordings. Then you’ll answer questions about what you heard. Multiple choice questions, like those in the Reading section, ask about main points, key details, vocabulary words, and cause and effect. You’ll also get a few questions that ask you to list events in order. Here are a couple examples of Listening section questions that are based on a conversation between a player and a coach. Who is buying new jackets for the team? The coach The captain of the team A former player A group of basketball fans There are two answers for the next question. Mark two answers. Why is the woman surprised to learn that she has been chosen as the new team captain? She is not the best player on the team. Her teammates did not tell her about the decision. She does not have many friends on the team. She has missed a lot of practices. Note that the second example asks you to mark two answers, meaning you need to pay attention to directions when answering each question type. After the Reading and Listening sections, you’ll get a ten-minute break to stretch and reenergize. Then it’s on to the Speaking section. TOEFL Speaking This section will get you talking. While the other sections are focused on your receptive skills, this one’s aimed at your productive skills. You’ll record your oral responses onthe computer. This section contains two independent speaking tasks and four integrated speaking tasks. Independent speaking tasks ask you to speak for 45 seconds on a familiar topic. Here, you can talk about your own ideas, opinions, observations, or experiences. You’ll have 15 seconds to prepare your answer. The following is an example of an independent speaking task: Independent speaking task: Some people think it is more fun to spend time with friends in restaurants or cafà ©s. Others think it is more fun to spend time with friends at home. Which do you think is better? Explain why. Integrated speaking tasks are based on a passage and/or a recording. You’ll read and/or listen and then answer a question. The question might ask you to summarize the selection or suggest solutions to a featured problem. For your first two integrated speaking tasks, you’ll have 45 seconds to speak and 30 seconds to prepare. For your next two integrated speaking tasks, you’ll get 60 seconds to speak and just 20 seconds to prepare. The following example is based on both a short passage and a listening task about a student association and its purchase of a new sound system. Integrated speaking task: The man expresses his opinion of the Student Association’s recent purchase. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion. Your responses should be structured and thoughtful, almost like giving an oral essay. As for written essays, they’ll be your task in the next and final section of the TOEFL, the Writing section. The TOEFL Writing section ties several skills together, including writing, reading, and listening. TOEFL Writing This last section on the TOEFL shares some similarities with the Speaking section, in that it presents you with an integrated writing task and an independent writing task. The integrated task asks you to read a passage and listen to a lecture or conversation. Then you’ll get 20 minutes to summarize the two selections and perhaps compare and contrast them. Here’s an example of an integrated task that refers to a lecture and a reading passage. Integrated writing task: Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they oppose specific points made in the reading passage. The independent task asks you to present your opinion and support it with examples. You’ll get 30 minutes to write your response. Here’s a typical example of an independent task in the Writing section. Independent writing task: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A teacher’s ability to relate well with students is more important than excellent knowledge of the subject being taught. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. You’ll seea word counter beneath each text box that tells you how many words you’ve written. Your responses will be graded on organization, grammar, usage, and accuracy. This section, along with the others, is challenging, even for students with an advanced grasp of or even fluency in English. Like the ACT and any other college admissions test, the TOEFL calls for a lot of preparation to do well. To help you start planning your approach, let’s go over some strategies for prepping for the TOEFL. Prepping for the TOEFL First and foremost, the TOEFL requires a certain level of English. Testmakers suggest that you’ve studied English for at least two years before taking the test. Even if you’re fluent, you should still take time to prep for this unusual test. You can use TOEFL books, as well as online sample questions from the test-makers. To improve your reading comprehension skills, try reading passages from college-level textbooks. A lot of students particularly have a tough time with the Speaking section, which asks you to give structured responses in 45 to 60 seconds. As you practice for this section, check out the rubric and evaluate your efforts. You should give yourself plenty of time to prepare, starting perhaps at least three months before your test date. You might start even earlier to give yourself additional test dates in case you want to retake the TOEFL to improve your scores. As you prep, take timed practice tests under simulated testing conditions to measure your progress. Analyze your results to figure out your strong points and weak areas and learn how to improve. At the same time as you prep for the TOEFL, you may also be studying for the ACT. While there’s some overlap between the TOEFL and the verbal sections of the ACT, the two tests still require their own approach, as you’ll see below. Before discussing some ACT study strategies, let’s go over the structure and content of the test. While the TOEFL tests your English language skills, the ACT brings other subjects into play, like math and science. ACT: Structure, Content, and Prep While the TOEFL is a test of your English language skills, the ACT is more geared toward academic skills and college readiness. It has two verbal sections, the Reading and English, but it additionally has a math and a science section. The ACT has had increasing popularity with international students in recent years largely because of its Science section. The SAT tends to be more verbal, so many non-native English speakers appreciate the ACT’s emphasis on math and science. Below you’ll find the full structure of the ACT. ACT Structure The ACT has four main sections, English, Math, Reading, and Science, in that order. It also features an optional fifth section, Writing, that asks students to write an essay. Each section is scored between 1 and 36, and your total score that takes into account all the sections will also range between 1 and 36. The chart below shows the structure of the entire test and number of questions in each section: Order Section Time in Minutes # of Questions 1 Reading 65 52 2 Writing and Language 35 44 3 Math No Calculator 25 20 4 Math Calculator 55 38 5 Essay (optional) 50 1 Total: 3 hours, 50 minutes (3 hours without essay) 154 (+ 1 essay prompt) Now that you know the overall format of the ACT, let’s take a closer look at each section of the test. ACT Content The test has four or five main sections, depending on whether or not you take the ACT with Writing. Your decision about whether to include the Writing section should mainly be based on colleges’ requirements. If you’re not sure what colleges you’re applying to, you might as well include the Writing section so you don’t prematurely limit your options. Unlike the TOEFL, the ACT is a paper-based test. There aren’t any options to take it on the computer. Your first section will be English, so let’s take a closer look at the skills it tests and question types. ACT English The ACT English section will give you five passages alongside multiple choice questions. These questions test your understanding of English grammar and usage. They might test grammar rules like parallel structure or verb tense, along with your understanding of punctuation, word choice, paragraph structure, or rearranging sentences and paragraphs for the best organization. All of the questions are passage-based and in context. You won’t be asked explicitly about a grammar rule, but rather asked to demonstrate your understanding by fixing an error in the passage. Here’s an example taken from an official ACT practice test. The questions above ask about word choice, usage, commas, and verb tense. Note that questions give you the option of No Change, as not all of the selections will actually contain an error. After showing your grammar skills, you’ll move onto math. Hopefully, you've been paying attention in math class! The ACT tests geometry, algebra, and trigonometry. ACT Math ACT Math is a time-intensive section, asking you 60 questions in 60 minutes. Math questions ask about pre-algebra, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, complex numbers, and data analysis. You won’t get any formulas, so you’ll have to show up with a working knowledge of any formulas you might need. Here are a few examples of ACT math problems: As you can see, some of these questions are word problems, meaning that your English reading comprehension skills will need to come into play. It’s a good warm-up for the next section, which is all about your reading comprehension. ACT Reading The ACT Reading section will give you four passages, one of which may involve a set of paired passages, followed by ten questions each. The passages will be taken from prose fiction, social science, humanities, and natural science. The prose fiction passage, by the way, is unique to the ACT; you won’t get any prose on the TOEFL. The multiple choice questions might ask about main idea, details, vocabulary, function, development, or inferences. Here are a few example questions that are based on a preceding passage. This section requires you to comprehend the passage in a detailed way while also reading quickly under time constraints. After Reading, you’ll move onto ACT Science. The Science section is actually more similar to the Reading section than you might think. Read on to learn about their similarities. ACT Science You don’t have to show up to the ACT with a lot of scientific knowledge. This section is more about testing your scientific skills. Rather than demonstrating preexisting knowledge, you’ll have to show that you can read scientific passages, interpret data from graphics, and evaluate experimental designs. So how is this Science section similar to Reading? It will give you seven passages, and you’ll be asked to interpret them and make predictions. Three of the passages involve data representation, three are research summaries, and one presents conflicting viewpoints. You’ll interpret graphs and data trends, compare scientific opinions, and evaluate the design of experiments. In the example below, the questions ask you to read selections, interpret hypotheses, and represent information in a graph. The various excerpts and graphs in the ACT Science section may be related to biology, earth science, chemistry, physics, or basic math. After the Science section, you might be all done with the ACT. If you registered for the ACT with Writing, though, then you have one last section to complete. The optional ACT Writing section asks you to write an essay in 40 minutes. ACT Writing (Optional) As you read above, the TOEFL Writing section asks you to complete two writing tasks. In ACT Writing, you’ll just write one essay, and you’ll have 40 minutes to do so. Your writing prompt will ask you to evaluate multiple perspectives on an issue and present your own stance. You’ll support your opinion with examples. Here’s an example of an ACT Writing prompt that’s based on a short passage and three different perspectives about public health. Essay task:Write a unified, coherent essay in which you evaluate multiple perspectives on the conflict between public health and individual freedom. In your essay, be sure to Analyze and evaluate the perspectives given State and develop your own perspective on the issue Explain the relationship between your perspective and those given Your perspective may be in full agreement with any of the others, in partial agreement, or wholly different. Whatever the case, support your ideas with logical reasoning and detailed, persuasive examples. As with your TOEFL Speaking and Writing tasks, you can study the rubric that graders use to score your ACT essay. Read on for a few other strategies for preparing for the ACT. Prepping for the ACT As with the TOEFL, you should start prepping at least threemonths before the ACT. If you take it early, then you’ll have extra test dates in case you want to improve your scores. Your first step in preparing for the ACT should be learning all about the structure and content of the test in detail.Then you might takea diagnostic practice test to measure your starting level. Analyze your results and figure out which sections, question types, and concepts you should study most to improve. Like the TOEFL, the ACT requires a strong working knowledge of English. It also tests your math and science skills. Make sure that you use high-quality, ACT-specific materials that break down each and every concept you need to know. In addition to setting your own personal goals, you should also research colleges to figure out what scores they expect from applicants. While colleges don’t usually have a cutoff ACT score, the way they do with the TOEFL, they do publicize the average ACT scores of accepted students. In closing, let’s review the main similarities and differences of these two admission tests, the TOEFL and the ACT. TOEFL and ACT: Similarities and Differences The TOEFL and ACT are largely different tests, with the TOEFL meant to test your English language level and the ACT focused on reasoning and problem-solving skills. One especially big difference is that the ACT has a math and science section, while the TOEFL is completely focused on English language. The tests do have some overlap, especially between the TOEFL Reading section and ACT Reading and English section. Because the ACT verbal sections require a strong level of English, some colleges will waive the TOEFL requirement with high ACT verbal scores. Unlike the TOEFL, the ACT has a math and science section that requires you to manipulate numbers and interpret data. Both tests require you to have a strong grasp of the English language, whether you’re recording an oral essay during the TOEFL Speaking section or interpreting a scientific passage on the ACT Science. As timed tests, both also require you to practice time management strategies and your ability to work efficiently under pressure. Before you start exploring prep materials to learn more about both tests, let’s review the main points you should remember about the ACT and the TOEFL. If your sights are set on a U.S. college, then you'll need to take the TOEFL and ACT to get there. ACT and TOEFL: Key Points Most U.S. colleges require the ACT (or SAT) from all applicants. Non-native English speakers must additionally take the TOEFL (or IELTS) to demonstrate their English language skills. These tests are meant to show that the applicant has the language and academic skills to succeed in college-level classes. Before you start signing up for any tests, make sure to research college requirements. Every college sets its own policy, and there are some that will waive the TOEFL with a high ACT verbal score. At the same time, your college planning might not line up exactly with your test prep. You should start prepping early, like in 10th grade, to leave yourself plenty of time to improve and take the test again if necessary. At this point, you might not know exactly what colleges you want to apply to. If you’re set on studying in the US, then it’s a good idea to take these admissions tests so you don’t limit your options. For the most part, it’s safe to assume that colleges want you to send TOEFL and ACT scores with your application. Start early, study smart, and work toward achieving your target TOEFL and ACT scores. Then you’ll be able to apply to any college you want! What’s Next? Are you an international student preparing for the ACT or SAT? Check out our guide for international students taking either of these admissions tests. You can also find the full list of international test dates here! Is the ACT your admissions test of choice? To help you prepare, we’ve put together comprehensive study guides for each section of the ACT. Check out our study guides for ACT English, ACT Math, ACT Reading, ACT Science, and ACT Writing! Are you figuring out where to apply? This in-depth guide will help you choose colleges for your college list. Want to improve your ACT score by 4+ points? Download our free guide to the top 5 strategies you need in your prep to improve your ACT score dramatically. Have friends who also need help with test prep? Share this article! Tweet Rebecca Safier About the Author Rebecca graduated with her Master's in Adolescent Counseling from the Harvard Graduate School of Education. She has years of teaching and college counseling experience and is passionate about helping students achieve their goals and improve their well-being. She graduated magna cum laude from Tufts University and scored in the 99th percentile on the SAT. Get Free Guides to Boost Your SAT/ACT Get FREE EXCLUSIVE insider tips on how to ACE THE SAT/ACT. 100% Privacy. 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